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Posts posted by blkblk

  1. Because the best solution is for this site to enable us to do our own research rather than giving us a flat out yes/no answer which we would either believe or not believe.


    A HT is too big a deal to just trust a strangers word on a public forum. This is not like "what flavour lollipop should I get?" People should be encouraged to find out as much as they can about the options available and then come to their own conclusion as to what is best in their circumstance.

  2. Hi,


    I have my first HT scheduled in a few days time, so this could be some form of anxiety attack as I feel that having a HT locks me into a life of finasteride, so if this is all it is, please let me know..


    I just found this site which appears to have quite recent information on studies around finasteride: Propecia Side Effects - Impotence, Low Libido, Erectile Dysfunction, Finasteride


    To be honest, this scares the crap out of me. I know there is a risk in taking this drug, however I had quite readily dismissed it as happening to only a tiny (read: insignificant) number of people. Reading around that site has led me to feel that there is a considerable chance that anyone taking finasteride could end up with permanent sexual/reproductive/shrinkage issues.


    I took this drug for a couple of years previously, and my labido was certainly lower, but everything else was fine and I didn't think much of it. I had a one year gap, and now have gotten back on it (1mg). After only a couple of months I am seeing a suprising amount of new hair and have been really happy/positive.. however after seeing this site, I am not quite sure what to do.


    1) Does the fact that I was fine after my first stint imply that I will be ok now?


    2) If I dropped down to 0.5mg/day (or 1mg MWF) would that decrease any side effects? Would my hair loss be much worse?


    Can anyone set my mind at ease (even a little bit will do!)



  3. Hi,


    In my mind it seems almost inevitable that some day (whether that is 1 year or 20 years down the track I do not know) we will be replicating healthy hairs and placing them into our bald patches, or reactivating something in our scalp to tell it to start growing hair again.


    What I am curious to know is how this should impact on the decisions which we make in the meantime whilst this technology waits to become proven.


    In particular, I am interested to know whether having a FUT/FUE HT now would negatively impact any future treatment using stem cell or other type of replication/reactivation.


    1) Do these future techniques require us to have our old hair follicles in place?

    2) Do current techniques damage our non-functional follicles to the extent that they would not be of use later?

    3) Do current techniques use too much donor hair, leaving people unable to undergo such future techniques?


    I realise that there are a of of unknowns still, but would appreciate some insight into what people think and why, also if you could be clear as to when you are guessing at something (which is fine!) and when you are citing something which can be backed with scientific evidence.

  4. gotta agree with you azazelgs, the buzz cut looks pretty good in my opinion. Even with the scar I thought it looked decent, and if he could tattoo or similar over the scar it would be perfect.


    the longer hair made him look somewhat disheveled. This definitely has gotten me thinking a bit more about how I'll be styling my hair post HT. I expect that my loss pattern in several more years will be quite similar to his.

  5. as someone who is going to have a HT in just under a week.. how do you get through the first 3 days without having some sort of contact? I thoughts most people wear a cap or similar on the way home from surgery, isn't that going to be far more contact than a pillow cover whilst lying down?


    I'm slightly concerned that I haven't planned well enough if I am expected to go 3 days without anything contacting it at all.

  6. Everyone seems to be very confident that they know which NW rating they fall into, but I can't for the life of me figure out what I am.


    My hair pattern looks quite similar to this guy however I feel that my hair has maybe twice the density in the front clump (it is quite strong there) and also on top.


    Does the NW scale indicate the current state of hairloss, or is it an indication of the pattern of eventual hairloss?


    I think what confuses me most is when I search for hairloss pictures by norwood scale and find ones like this listed as NW3, an this as NW5 (one example among many).


    Ultimately these are just labels and the hair pattern is what it is, but I've always been curious as to why NW scale makes sense to everyone else but not to me.


    I've always thought that I am NW5, but suspect (and hope) that maybe I am being a bit pessimistic here and maybe I am a 4 - any thoughts?

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