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Posts posted by blkblk

  1. uh oh... don't pop them?


    I started getting them at about week 4.5. I've had about 5-6 so far and have been popping them once I see puss build up. Any particular reason why I shouldn't be doing this? they aren't very pretty if I just leave them!


    I've also been growing small hairs since about week 3, so it seems like things are happening really quickly for me - although there are no way near enough to make much of a visible difference. Week 6 has just gone by and I probably have about 20-30 new hairs in my temples max.

  2. I am quite confident that my HT was performed very well, and I'm also confident that the end result will be a much better situation than I would have been in without having done anything - I'm just suprised that I feel my hair is much thinner now where the native hair was 'thickened' than before anything was done to it.


    Prior to the HT, I used to have a lot of difficultly telling where my hairline would end up as I couldn't see where the thinning started and ended - I knew it was thin on top and thick on the sides, but the point at which it changed was hard for me to see. Now that I'm 1 month out from the HT it is very very easy to see where the thin on top meets the thick on the sides - the difference is as plain as day and night.


    This is why I suspect that the HT has somehow dramatically thinned what was on top (for the moment at least)

  3. So, it has been exactly 31 days since my HT with Dr Feller and I have now reached the doldrums stage which many others talk about on here.


    Almost all of the transplanted hairs have fallen out as expected, I have quite noticeable shockloss along my scar line in the middle and one side and my scalp is still redder than normal.


    For my procedure, we put hair into my temples which were completely bald, and used the remaining hair for the top of my scalp which was getting quite thin.


    Now that the hair on my scalp has grown back to around a #3 on the clippers, it seems to be noticeably thinner than I thought it was prior to the transplant (I am searching for photos to confirm if this is true).


    I know that people talk about possible shock loss in the recipient area, but haven't really seen what that would look like. Is it common/likely that the hair on my recipient area is much thinner now due to shock loss? If so, how long does it usually take to grow back?

  4. Lastly, do not use the generic finasteride. We're seeing patients that switch from name brand Proscar or Propecia to the generic brands and their hair loss resumes. It's not a sure thing but we feel that sticking with name brand Propecia or Proscar (quartered and taken daily, it's much cheaper) is the safest bet.


    This is interesting to read as it is exactly what Dr Feller mentioned to me in a consult a few months ago.

  5. The week before my HT, I felt like I'd destroyed my life.


    The week after, I felt like I was about to live for the first time in many years.


    I also took 4 weeks off work for mine. My hair is very fine and I shaved it, but after 1 month the scar is not all that obvious. I have chosen to put concealer over it for the next two weeks though to make it completely invisible to others while the hair around it thickens up a bit.

  6. I have preferred applying it to a dry scalp. I got the impression that it was soaking in a lot better.


    I used to shower, then wait about 30mins for my hair to dry, then put minoxidil on, then wait an hour for it to soak in before sleeping. Now I've switched it around so that I put the minoxidil on my scalp first thing when I get home from work, and then give it a few hours to soak in before having my shower and going to bed with a nice clean scalp. I feel much happier this way as I feel that my scalp is able to breath/live rather than be clogged up with oily solutions.

  7. Toppik has been by far the best for me - however definitely get the pump attachment, it makes a huge difference in the end result and is also much easier to put on.


    Now that I have some bare patches where there has been shock loss around the donor, I find that toppik is not giving enough density here to look natural so I am using dermatch which is better at filling the gaps, and then putting toppik over the top and sealed with hair spray. Note that dermatch is quite difficult to get off - I can totally believe when people say that it clogs pores - it is like putting wet clay on your head.


    I got caboki a few days ago, however it seems to be very similar to toppik, only I didn't get the pump attachment for it which makes it the least useful of the 3 options for me.

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