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  1. Jetsfan

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  2. Jetsfan

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  3. Jetsfan

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  4. Jetsfan

    From the album: jetsfan photos

  5. Thanks jotronic, will try it for a few months.
  6. I am now approx 3 weeks post op and I just bought msm, any advice on how much to take? Thanks, Jetsfan
  7. Dr.Charles, Thanks for your response.
  8. I just posted another photo of what has been shedding from my head, I am now 12 days post op, so I take it that this is normal. I keep running my hands through my recipient area and more shedding occurs, should I stop this? I'ts hard to stop because my scalp feels different. Some of the shedding particles do have hairs in them, and some are dark, like a root. Still have some scabs remaining that I'm gently trying to remove in the shower. Would trying to rub these off dry be a bad thing? Thanks in advance. Jetsfan
  9. Jetsfan

    From the album: jetsfan photos

  10. Jetsfan

    From the album: jetsfan photos

  11. Jetsfan

    From the album: jetsfan photos

  12. I am now 11 days post op and I am shedding what looks like small tan almost round particles is the best way I can describe them. Some do have hair attached, I assume from reading on this site that this is normal. I have been washing my hair twice a day for the last week using baby shampoo. I still have some scabs on my head but have not been to aggressive to remove when showering. I have been gently rubbing the shampoo in a circular motion with my fingertips on the recipient area (front of my head). Does everything here sound about right? Should I be more aggressive to work off the remaining scabs? And I plan to go back to weight lifting/running on Monday April 25th, that is exactly two weeks post op, any suggestions here. I usually lift heavy weights for sterngth training. Any help would be appreciated as always. Thanks, Jetsfan:confused:
  13. Staples are now out, what a difference it makes, I'm actually comfortable now. One week removed from surgery now just have to wait a few months for my 70's Afro! Having staples removed hurt a little, but went fast.
  14. I'm here at Dr office now, let you know how things went in approx 1 hour.
  15. I am getting staples removed in the morning, anything I should do besides show up?
  16. I have some pics on my I phone I would like to post, can this be done with phone or do I need to have a computer? Any suggestions?
  17. Will do, will also post some pics, have some now but they are ugly looking scabs.
  18. I had my first hair transplant on 4/11/11 with Dr. Pistone and his staff in Marlton,Nj. I found Dr. Pistone and his staff great. I was very relaxed and they talked me through each step, very comfortable environment hope the results are great. Surgery was approximately 4 hours ( two movies). I am returning on Monday to have staples removed. I have already been told that I will need a second procedure to cover the top of my head and thicken the front, hopefully this is all worth it and I will be happy with the results. Overall I was very happy with the treatment and honesty from Dr. Pistone and his staff.
  19. I just had transplant on Mon 4/11, no pain at all just anxiety. Watched two movies during transplant (Meet The Fockers and Trains,Plains,and Automobiles) Dr. Pistone and his team was great, I am 45 mins away from removing my cap and bandage and washing my head, then the waiting game begins. I was a little uncomfortable the night of the transplant but slept ok. The next day was bad watching my children who are 2 and 5, should have had some help. Overall very positive experience, hope results are great!
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