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Everything posted by gabrieljose43

  1. Ok here are my end results with Dr Sohi after over a year. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/user_album_update.php?album_id=1547
  2. gabrieljose43

    end results

  3. gabrieljose43

    From the album: end results

  4. gabrieljose43

    From the album: end results

  5. gabrieljose43

    From the album: end results

  6. It is difficult to make a judgement on the pic since it looks very dark. Try putting the flash on, and see if it looks like a folicle. It looks like regular shedding from what I see, and nothing to worry about. Remember to be delicate with your area, and you should not have any problem at all.
  7. I sympathize wtih your feelings about surgery, and how greatly it positevely ffects your life. I had also a big procedure and I understand how you feel. Very few things matter most then how you feel about yourself. Congratulations.
  8. it does not let me post pic, so here is a link to my photo album Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss and Transplant Photos
  9. Here is an update on my third month 11th day post op. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/gabrieljose43/albums/1201/7840
  10. gabrieljose43

    3 months 11 days post op
  11. gabrieljose43

    From the album: Dr. Sohi

  12. gabrieljose43

    Dr. Sohi

  13. gabrieljose43

    From the album: Dr. Sohi

  14. gabrieljose43

    From the album: Dr. Sohi

  15. gabrieljose43

    From the album: Dr. Sohi

  16. gabrieljose43

    From the album: Dr. Sohi

  17. gabrieljose43

    From the album: Dr. Sohi

  18. oh shoot, i already saw your progress site yesterday and I forgot . Very nice results by the way. I feel like Big FUE procedures are so uncommon that I feel like an experimental Guiney pig... You are proof that Big FUE procedures can be succesfull with the right doctor. If everything goes well with me, maybe the dispute about the fissability of FUE megasessions can be put to rest. I will post results in a couple of months.
  19. not going to deep in to explanation and reaserach and using common sense I definately agree with you. I could not imagine how he could achieve more density by comparison to other physicians unless he uses more grafts. Maybe he gives you a lifetime supply of concealer with your order.
  20. Julian, am not an expert o hair transplants, but I have done my research. By the picture your grafts do look too spread out on the back, but yet you have only 2900 graft for a lage area of coverage. I can not tell if the hair you have closer to your forhead has been implanted or not because I dont see any scabs, but if it has, I know at least the front looks nice and full to me. The middle I think might be a little noticeble. How about having someone helping you do a count at home? and take a reallly high res picture of your scalp, just incase you need to dispute it against the doctor in a later time. It looks like 2900 to me, if your take in consideration the density on the front. I would say the a second procedure is needed, but once ;your hair grows it will be less noticeble. If your procedure went well with this riskI would not risk it and change to someone new.
  21. Levrais, my procedure was done in two days of 8hrs session each. I know that my doctor had an special device he created to make the extraction faster. It was like a dentist drill, and he was very fast when removing. The rest was done by his nurses, where there were 3 nurses workiing on removal and implantation of the follicles. So I considered fast for the amount of work. Sean, can you tell me how many grafts did u get? and how was it done? and MattJ thanks for the advice...am taking your word for it, and definately wait and see later.
  22. TC17. I still think FUE is better then FUT and this is why (Also was the decision maker between the two for me). I was worried that if I have a FUT transplant and my hair does not take, I was going to be left with a scar, and unable too shave my head like many people do when experiencing hair loss. With FUE, if the follicles do not take I was going to be left with many tiny white dots all over the place, but still better than a scar from ear to ear in my opinion. You also made a point that there should not be done because Physicians do not know how the patient will heal, but that really goes true for both procedures. My problem is not that I wont be able to look ok on the back, it is that I want to use very short hair in the back and even do its early to tell, i think it will b noticable without concealer.
  23. This is with very short hair. I use short hair on the sides. A little longer than this.
  24. Hello everyone, I had a 5000 fue transplant two and a half weeks ago, and I have noticed that the donor area looks extreemely thin and noticeble. While is getting much better as time goes by, I do not think when it heals it will ever look the same. My donor area is pink, bright due to inflamation, and shini. I have been told by some that is ok, but some people tell me is not. Now, I have never used my hair long on the sides and I do not plan to start now. Can anyone tell me the best concieler (the black pait that covers up thin hair)..I would like one that stays on the scalp for long, kind of like a dye that is hard to rub off. Thanks. And question two: after transplant my recepient area grew considerably, more than 1/8 of an inch, but now it has shed. If your tranplanted hair grows a lot before it sheds, does it mean that the new follicles survived and will regrow after shedding? Thanks in advance.
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