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Everything posted by Baldy1974

  1. Let me know if you decide to proceed with Dr. Nader. He answered all my emails and questions too. I did speak to one of his patients and he was extremely happy and thinking of going back for a second procedure.
  2. Thanks every one and specially the doctors who took some time off of their busy schedule to answer my question. Now I am one step forward to HT
  3. Thanks Doctor, I am currently in contact with you patient advisor Maureen. I believe she has sent you my pics. Hope to talk to you soon.
  4. Hi Aaron1232, beside pain, time and money what could be other reasons why not to get a transplant? I am not questioning your judgment, just getting different opinions before I make the final decision.
  5. I am seriously thinking of having a hair transplant in November. I would definitely choose a recommended doctor here. I have heard some horror stories of post op pain. How bad is the pain? Does it go away with a pain killer? Does it vary from doctor to doctor? Please share your experience with your doctor name so I can choose the right one.
  6. Thanks every one. GreaseDJ could you tell me Dr. Cooley estimated cost per graft?
  7. Does any one here had any experience with Michael W. Vories at Carolina Hair Surgery? The pictures look very impressive on the website and their FUE pricing is very reasonable.
  8. Hi Kman, I got a quote from them which is very reasonable but there is not much info about them on the net. Are you planning to moving forward with them? Please let me know
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