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Posts posted by il.mafiozzzo

  1. I only use authentic Propecia I get it from my pharmacy for like $180 for a 90 day pack no big deal. But anyways, I know Propecia doesn't have amazing results in the hairline and temple region. But you see my hairline is still a good NW2 but just half the density it should be like the first inch and in the middle of my forelock I'm getting a spot there, if I could just get a 1/4 back of it it would look great. And on both of my temples I have pieces of hairs that just don't grow more then 2 inches! I know Propecia may stop my MPB but it's just that my hair loss is early and Propecia should be able to do the job but I'm getting so frustrated!

  2. I'm 22 y/o with early frontal thinning. I'm a NW2 but a hair specialist did a miniaturization and said I'm an early NW3 with mid anterior thinning. So I been on Propecia for almost 7 months and almost nothing. Although after about 4 months I started shedding way less hairs and after about 5 months I saw a little improvement but at the same time a litte loss as well. Anyway now for the past 2-3 weeks shedding increased again and nothing thickening or regrowing. Is there still hope?

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