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Everything posted by InItToWinIt

  1. hmm, i thought about using a laser comb. I think im going to give that a try, it couldnt hurt. thanks! i appreciate the response. i feel like i have pretty thick/dense hair on the sides and lower back of my scalp, but i do agree with you in that i should hold off any kind of surgery. i would also like to see you in person as well, though im not sure how long of a drive that would be for me. i live in towson maryland. i think you may be right, my dad is bald and the stress from the chemo could have very easily started my MPB early, tho i havent lost any more hair in the past 2 years sicne my hair grew back from chemo so im not sure really. im going to start using the laser comb, start back up on the rogaine, and start using some concealers like toppik etc. i hve been doing some research on concealers, maybe some kind of hair system might be good for me? you just tape it on and get a new hair piece every few months..
  2. what do you mean when u say 'why not try getting a bottle?' also, my hair loss is not MBP. you are correct. it is the after effects of chemo, but i finished chemo 2 years ago. my hair looks the same it did 2 months after i finished chemo..my hair is not going to grow back, its stuck like it is. sometimes in can take a year for all the hair to grow back, but its been 2 years for me, and hasnt changed in thickness or fullness at all in the last 2 years basically.. so yea btw i shaved my head to a # 3 last night, i look fresh outa chemo..sad really
  3. bump for any more responses/help..im not going to do bosley, i dont trust them and if im gonna do HT i want it done right... im hoping dr. vogel will take my case, even tho im under 25 y.o...also would some kind of topik concealer help me? somehow mask my baldness? i was thinking nano gen and or dermmatch?
  4. thanks guys. it usually takes a few months for the hair to grow back fully after chemo. it can take up to a year to get full growth, but still..its been 2 years since i beat cancer and stopped chemo..the hair aint growing back. im going to try and convince dr. vogel to do my surgery, as he is very good at what he does and i dont want to have bosley do it...
  5. Thanks for the response! i know my health and wellbeing is most important, and im working on all of that. ive been working out, improving social life, eating healthy, etc. but im just very self conscious about my hair. i shy away from girls sometimes because i dont want them to see me without my hat, and that sucks haha. do you think just shaving my head to a #3 or 4 would look better? i think your right, bosley is not the way to go and i was afraid you would mention that surgery might not even make a significant diff. I just dont know what to do. its really bugging me, and i understand when you say were all going suffering from hair loss, but im 21 and its A LOT diff. when your older like...40 and start balding naturally. I am only suffering from hair loss because of cancer. it sucks! /rant
  6. I will try and keep this short, but it may be hard to. I have a very unique case, so bear with me. I had testicular cancer 2 years ago, right when i turned 18. I had my right testicle removed and then had 3 months of BEP chemotherapy. I lost all my hair on my head and face, as well as some body hair. After I beat cancer and finished chemotherapy, I waited patiently for my hair on my head to grow back. Over the course of 3 or 4 months, my hair was growing back everywhere but on the top, back park of my head and it was also thin in the front as well. Now, over 2 years later, my hair has not improved at all. I have plently of hair on the sides and lower back of my head but I have a large bald spot on the top back of my head and it is very thin all up front. I wear a hat everywhere I go. The only 2 people who see me without my hat is my mother, and my roommate. I absolutley hate the fact that I look like im balding because I am not balding, I am just missing hair because of the chemotherapy and it is never going to grow back. I have been using Rogaine for 6 months and have not noticed really any improvement, maybe a tad regrowth but it is VERY minimal. So now im here, doing research about hair restoration surgery. I made a consultation appointment with Bosley and just got home from it. The guy told me I need 1000-1500 grafts at least, and that it will cost 6,500$. I have heard bad things about Bosley, and hair restoration in general but I am very desperate. I am 21 years old and I really want a full head of hair. These are my prime years and I despise wearing a hat everywhere I go. It is affecting me mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, etc. I feel if anyone deserves to get hair restoration, its me! I dont want Bosley to do my surgery, because I do no trust them, they seem shady from what I have read etc. There is a local plastic surgeon in my area (maryland) named Dr. Vogel and I called him to make an appoitment and his secretary told me that he does not do hair surgery on people under the age of 25. She said that since im so young, I might have more hair loss in the near future and that its not worth the risk. This made me mad because I am NOT expieriencing hair loss, I am just missing hair from chemotherapy. I am hoping to somehow convince Dr. Vogel to do my operation because he is very skilled and a lot of Bosley customers end up going to Dr. Vogel to get repair work done. So thats my story, I hope I can learn a lot from these forums and end up making the right decision. Here are three pictures, taken today at the Bosley consultation office..:
  7. I will try and keep this short, but it may be hard to. I have a very unique case, so bear with me. I had testicular cancer 2 years ago, right when i turned 18. I had my right testicle removed and then had 3 months of BEP chemotherapy. I lost all my hair on my head and face, as well as some body hair. After I beat cancer and finished chemotherapy, I waited patiently for my hair on my head to grow back. Over the course of 3 or 4 months, my hair was growing back everywhere but on the top, back park of my head and it was also thin in the front as well. Now, over 2 years later, my hair has not improved at all. I have plently of hair on the sides and lower back of my head but I have a large bald spot on the top back of my head and it is very thin all up front. I wear a hat everywhere I go. The only 2 people who see me without my hat is my mother, and my roommate. I absolutley hate the fact that I look like im balding because I am not balding, I am just missing hair because of the chemotherapy and it is never going to grow back. I have been using Rogaine for 6 months and have not noticed really any improvement, maybe a tad regrowth but it is VERY minimal. So now im here, doing research about hair restoration surgery. I made a consultation appointment with Bosley and just got home from it. The guy told me I need 1000-1500 grafts at least, and that it will cost 6,500$. I have heard bad things about Bosley, and hair restoration in general but I am very desperate. I am 21 years old and I really want a full head of hair. These are my prime years and I despise wearing a hat everywhere I go. It is affecting me mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, etc. I feel if anyone deserves to get hair restoration, its me! I dont want Bosley to do my surgery, because I do no trust them, they seem shady from what I have read etc. There is a local plastic surgeon in my area (maryland) named Dr. Vogel and I called him to make an appoitment and his secretary told me that he does not do hair surgery on people under the age of 25. She said that since im so young, I might have more hair loss in the near future and that its not worth the risk. This made me mad because I am NOT expieriencing hair loss, I am just missing hair from chemotherapy. I am hoping to somehow convince Dr. Vogel to do my operation because he is very skilled and a lot of Bosley customers end up going to Dr. Vogel to get repair work done. So thats my story, I hope I can learn a lot from these forums and end up making the right decision. Here are three pictures, taken today at the Bosley consultation office..:
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