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Everything posted by boloheadboy

  1. I am currently using rogaine. I'm not on propecia yet, but I plan on starting soon though. The graft counts I got from the other docs were 1500 and 2000, so I don't really know what they are seeing, but they are all within the 500 grafts from each other. I agree that I might be thinning out in the back too, but I've kind of always had thin hair, so the lighting might be an issue because when I took pictures of my hair from different angles it looked similar. I have three daughters and they all have thin hair too. This might be why I was in denial all these years. Also, I've always had a receding hairline even as a child, so that didn't bother me as much. However, now that I have an island in the frontal area of my hair it's been bothering me quite a bit. When I shave it bald, I think that I have a decent head for it, but as shallow as it sounds, I've done a lot better with the ladies when I have hair then when I shave it.
  2. Finding this website has been great therapy for me. It has helped me finally get serious and do something about my hair loss. To know that there are so many others out there like me has given me the support I need to make my final decision. I consulted with four HT surgeons and I've decided to go with Dr. Thomas Rosanelli in SF. He recommended 1200-1400 grafts to restore my frontal area and about 1600-1800 to add some temple work too. I think this is consistent with what other doctors have told me and from the pictures of Rosanelli's work that I've seen on this website. Please refer to some pics posted that I took yesterday with my iPhone which takes crappy pics, so please bear with me. Does anyone agree or disagree with the amount of grafts? If so please let me know because even though it will be my first procedure and may need another one several years down the line, I want to get great results for this first round. I have a tentative appt with him on the 31st of March, pending my time off from work approval. Once approved, I'll pay my deposit and begin my journey. Wish me luck!! BTW...for the past year to two years I've been shaving my head bald, so the pics below reflect about 1 month growth on top and 2 weeks on the back.
  3. All I gotta say is, if women can get boob jobs to boost their self-esteem, why can't men restore their hair to do the same?
  4. I consulted with four HT surgeons and I've decided to go with Dr. Rosanelli. I have a tentative appt with him on the 31st of March, pending my time off from work approval. Once approved, I'll pay my deposit and I'll begin my journey. Wish me luck!!
  5. I have my appt with Dr Rosanelli tomorrow. Are there any questions that I should ask? I have a bunch of my own, but I need advise from the more experienced people on this network. thanks
  6. I have my appt with Dr Rosanelli tomorrow. Are there any questions that I should ask? I have a bunch of my own, but I need advise from the more experienced people on this network. thanks
  7. thanks monster88, I know you just had the 2nd op, but do you have any previous pics of scarring from your first procedure? I've been shaving my head bald for the last two year, but I've finally come to the realization that I prefer to have hair. However, when I do grow my hair out, I still wear it short. About 2 inches on top and with a number 2 or 3 clip on the sides and back, so if you have any pics of that or if you can tell me about your experience that would be awesome. thanks bolo
  8. has anyone had a procedure done with Dr. Rosanelli? I have a consult with him on the 11th and I'd like to hear what your experience was like.
  9. thanks for the reply lorenzo! I'll keep that in mind to not go to those types of clinics. Rosanelli is recommended on this site and im exited about my appt on the 11th.
  10. Aloha everyone, I'm new here and I am strongly considering a hair transplant I've had a couple consults and I was wondering if anyone has had a procedure done with dr. watkins here in kaneohe, hawaii? he quoted me $6000.00 for 2000 grafts, i think is reasonble compared to another doc Shim Ching who quoted me $12000.00 for 1500 grafts. I think that is a little on the high side I've read a lot about dr rosalenni on this site and I have a cosultation appointment with him on 2/11/2011. Does anyone have recent experience with any of these doctors? any insight is appreciated. thanks
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