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Posts posted by boristheburglar1983

  1. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:

    I fear there are two polar opposite categories that people are falling into here and I wish people would fall somewhere more in the middle. On one extreme, some appear to be so excited that they think PRP is going to end their hair loss problems. On the flip side, we have those who believe it's worthless. Of course, the latter is only exacerbated when members claim to have had success with it but don't provide details and pictures.


    Like HairHope, I will keep an open mind however, before I'd consider promoting it as a potential hair loss treatment, I'll need to see a lot more evidence.


    I hope that people realize that it's imperative that realistic information be presented so as to not catapult people into either extreme polar opposite and dangerous category.




    Very good post. I have already stated that whilst I am excited for the treatment, at the same time we all have to be realistic.


    It will be nice if in a year's time we have at the very least maintained and perhaps had some thickening/regrowth.


    According to Spex the treatment should be available in the UK very soon, so all we can do is have the treament, continue to use the big 3 and wait and see.



  2. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:

    I agree completely with Spex and several other members on this thread.


    I believe Dr. Feller is providing a quality service by providing data and photos of patients who have undergone PRP "treatment". I believe Dr. Feller to be ethical and interested only in the truth. However, since Dr. Feller is charging his patients for PRP, he also has a financial interest in it. This does not make him any less than the ethical doctor he is, however, it does mean now that he offers it and is presenting the data, that in order to be consistent with our terms of service, he will need to disclose this in his forum signature. Thus, when he returns from Amsterdam, I will ask him again to do this.


    But there is a dilemma on this thread. A new poster "ebutterg" claims to have undergone PRP treatment and after only 2 weeks has seem significant thickening. Though I do like to give all members the benefit of the doubt, it benefits nobody to come here, make a bold claim, and then not back it up with evidence. If PRP has indeed helped "ebutterg", then perhaps he'll be willing to share his detailed experience including the date of his procedure, the doctor who performed it, and before and after photos.


    Frankly, I think members have every right to be skeptical of new posters who make bold claims and don't back it up with evidence. The sad thing is, those who make unsubstantiated claims will only tarnish the reputation of PRP as a potential treatment in the future. If it ever does become a legitimate treatment for hair loss, these kinds of unsubstantiated claims today will cause people to dismiss it given all the hype.


    Thus, for the benefit of this community, those who have legitimately had experiences with PRP, please share your detailed experience and photos or stop making bold claims.


    All the Best,




    Great post.


    I am excited by this new treatment and I have been almost 'pestering' Spex with questions, but at the same time am being realistic.


    With regards to 'ebutterg', I sincerely hope he is telling the truth, I have even commented on one of his posts and sent him a PM. As of yet though I have heard nothing.


    Time will tell, the treament will hopefully be available in the UK in the next month and then we can all go from there.



  3. Originally posted by ebutterg:

    You're wrong about that. After two weeks hair has grown about half an inch. So if you agree that PRP does in fact thicken the hair follicle, that means half an inch of each hair from the base of the scalp got thicker. I wear my hair up with gel, so the increased texture is easily noticeable. You can be a naysayer all you like, but the difference is, I've done it and you haven't. So until you've seen it for yourself like I have, (and don't try to write it off as a placebo effect because I've tried most everything else with even less cynicism and noticed nothing), then your opinion doesn't have a lot of value now, does it...


    ebutterg, dont listen to the naysayers


    i am in a similar situation, starting to approach nw3 and your post fills me with confidence


    if its ok wiv you, would like to pm you to talk more?

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