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Posts posted by Tonycc

  1. Getting dental veneers is a pretty minor procedure with immediate results after the first few consultations. HTs can take up to 18 months for results, and if you experience shock loss it often gets worse before it gets better so I'd say they're pretty different from each other. I would definitely consider the meds. As some others have suggested, you might need to get a second HT for optimal results, but the meds can prevent you from getting a really crazy hair line later on down the road if you begin to lose more hair. Remember that HT results are not immediate so even if you have the money it can still be a pain in the butt. Meds aren't for everyone, but don't be too quick to write them off. And best of luck with your consultation.

  2. That's what shock loss is: your natural hair shedding from the trauma of the procedure. So shock loss, by definition, occurs on areas that haven't been transplanted. Shock loss usually begins one month after the procedure (like yours did) and at around 3-4 months it should start to grow back. So far it sounds like you're experiencing normal shock loss, but if you can visit your doctor you will probably get better answers. Good luck!

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