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Everything posted by joeyz400

  1. joeyz400

    From the album: 5 Months

  2. joeyz400

    From the album: 5 Months

  3. joeyz400

    From the album: 5 Months

  4. joeyz400

    From the album: 5 Months

  5. Trust me I'm not complaining. I just mean that I think all my hair shafts look the same diameter, no baby hairs. I hope some new ones pop up in the coming months. I have gel in my hair and when it dryes I just brush out the top and leave the sides and back alone to give it the illusion of a more even look. Thanks for the encouragement. I know I'm not working with much and have realistic goals.
  6. I just want to note no work was really done on the vertex and my hair is longer than my 4 month photos.
  7. I really didn't notice a diffrence from 4 to 5 months. I know people say more hair comes in matures and thickens but the hair that has grown in do look like they are just as mature as the native hair. I am very happy with the way it is coming along.
  8. It actually is Nanogen, my mistake when I posted. The illusion is night and day. You can check my 4 month photos and I haven't really improved over the past couple of weeks so you can see the difference. It just looks so fake in real life and you can see that something is on your scalp.
  9. Thanks guys, I will try the shine spray first and see how it works.
  10. It is almost 5 months since my HT. I wanted to try toppik to see the results for myself. I think in pictures and video it can look good but personally I would never leave my house with it in because it looks too obvious to me. The color is too dull, it would be more natural looking if it had a little sheen to it. I would be estatic if I get this kind of coverage when my HT fully matures but I am realistic and don't think it will.... My fingers are crossed, you never know. So on to the fun.
  11. I don't think he will need any more work. The rest of his hair looks thick. You are going to have some result, I'm jealous!
  12. All 3 images should not get progressively darker, helping to hide or mask results. Why not have the same lighting in the final as the first?
  13. I noticed the same, that Dr. Dorin gets great results with minimal # of graphs. Not taking anything away from any other doctors here but there are some results I see from Dr. Dorin that are better than other Doctors doing double the amount of graphs. Maybe there is a better survival rate of graphs which would make the difference. Either way I am very happy I went to a doc with "that one thing" of doing excellent work with minimal # of graphs, being that I am limited. I am amped about the months to come!!!!
  14. how do you add or create a signature?
  15. Yeah, that was all he could safely get, my donor supply is low. I followed you, seeing you had your work done by Dr. Dorin, looking good kid. I know we are in good hands for sure. I am confident I will get a good result with the limited # of graphs I got.
  16. Thanks, I'm trying to keep my patients.... I think by summer here in New York I will be real happy.
  17. It is hard to tell what is native hair growing back and what is new but I think I see progress. My head feels back to normal if you guys know what I mean, no weird sensations or tightness. So here are some progress pictures and the last 6 are my 4 month pictures taken today.
  18. joeyz400

    4 months

  19. joeyz400

    From the album: 4 months

  20. joeyz400

    From the album: 4 months

  21. joeyz400

    From the album: 4 months

  22. joeyz400

    From the album: 4 months

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