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Posts posted by Vincent

  1. 4 months and 1 week update. What do you all think so far? Does it look like it's on track?


    To me it looks like it just isn't dense enough to be able to style even when it grows out. But of course I know it's still early. Just can't help seeing some others results at 6 months and looks alot better.


    Should I be seeing a sprout soon?


    Thanks all.

  2. Wow nice results thus far. I also had my HT with Dr Path and my case is very similar to yours. Almost the same balding area and almost the same number of grafts and hairs transplanted. You are giving me hope.


    Just a question. I am at 3 months and 1 week now approximately, but I can't help noticing that alot of the miniaturized native hair and what was not shed is growing quite nicely. However there is very few shedded hairs sprouting out. When did you notice a big sprout in previously shedded hairs?



  3. Have you paid for the advanced "crap" stand by stand yet? If you have you probably want to request for a refund ASAP. I was lured into thinking it was a proper hairloss solution (very good salesman, or what they like to call them "hair experts").


    Luckily I realised quick and demanded a refund, but already lost a couple hundred due to the contract terms. What you have to do is research and then research some more. Their so called stand by stand surgical crap is just using super gluing a racoon's ass to your head that needs constant maintenance throughout the year (which isn't cheap).

  4. Hi all,


    I had a HT with Dr Path in Thailand around 2.75 months ago and all is going well so far. Starting from week 4 precisely I started to get heavy shedding. About 80% of the implanted grafts shed which I expected and at the 2 month mark stopped and starting growing new hairs :D, very happy.


    I also had heavy shedding at the same time in the back of my head (native hair) of around 30-50 hairs per day which now has slowed down. However I still get around 10 hairs or so on some days and some days hardly any when washing my hair. Would this be considered normal hair fall?


    Luckily the 30-50 hairs per day during the shedding at the back of head has no cosmetic effect at all. In fact I had my fianc?e inspect the back of my head quite closely and she couldn't spot any bald patches at all.


    Also I have been taking Propecia 1mg for roughly 5 months now and applying Minoxidol 5% a couple months before that.



  5. Dr Damkerng Pathomovich (recommended by this site) is the best option if you are considering Thailand. Compared to Australia the price is half, but that should not be the sole deciding factor when getting a HT. I almost pulled the trigger to get my HT done at a clinic in Melbourne but after reading bad reviews here I was highly discouraged.


    Check out their website and my blog aswell. I will be updating with new pictures at the 3 month mark.



  6. Doesn't look like you have lost enough to really take advantage of a hair transplant as you will just loose more in due time.


    You really should get onto the meds ASAP and halt any further loss. I was also worried about the side effects around your age (mainly the shedding part) and since I left it for too long I am now a norwood 5A. I started propecia and minoxidol around 6 months ago and it seriously has halted any further loss and regrew some aswell.


    My advice is to take the meds and wait 1-2 years to see if you really need to go for surgery or not. Don't hold it off like I did cause you will regret it in the end.

  7. Hi guys, i just bought the Aveda pure abundance shampoo and clay conditioner. I must say i am really impressed with the shampoo. I have tried so many brands of shampoo. They either make my hair too soft, or hard to manage. The Aveda shampoo is really good in volumizing your hair but does not make it hard to manage. Thumbs up!


    Its a shame i could not get the hair potion. Will get someone to help me ship from the states!


    Hey WB, I remember you are from Australia aswell?


    Couldn't find the potion but found most of the other products listed by the OP.


    Silky Dirt Shine & Define Creme - JONATHAN PRODUCT - Hair Care (Australia)


    Pure Abundance Volumizing Shampoo - AVEDA - Hair Care (Australia)


    Pure Abundance Volumizing Clay Conditioner - AVEDA - Hair Care (Australia)


    I've used them multiple times to ship products to me here in Sydney (Takes 1 week). They are Hong Kong based and prices are usually pretty good. I will be ordering the shampoo and conditioner to give it a go :cool:

  8. I was with Dr Path aswell. I managed to get the dissolvable suctures loose. I was combing and I caught on some of it. No harm done as the wound was healing nicely already. Right now there is a bit of suture hanging loose and I am just leaving it to fall off by itself.


    Did Dr Path give you written instructions to give your GP on what sutures to remove? I stayed in Bangkok till the 6th day to get the retention ones removed and memory there was 12 blue ones.

  9. Day 28 for me here and slowly the previous week I have been shedding but this morning it started to shed quite a bit on the recipient area. I always had thought 4 weeks and if it sheds by then it would have.


    So it can still shed up to week 6 and maybe even up to 2 months? Like you rws I love the current feel of the transplanted hairs as it just feels like a buzzed hair cut up top :D . Can't wait till it gets to 3 months and see some results come in.

  10. Being truthful it was minimal pain throughout the surgery. The most pain was from the injections which as stated above by hairthere it's like pin pricks. I was knocked out pretty good with the meds given to me.


    I did hear and feel the initial cutting of the donor strip, it was a little wierd but totally painless. After that I was knocked out cold and did wake up from time to time within the 2-3 hours it took to remove the strip. Before I knew it, the strip was out and I was given a short break.


    Was then given more sleeping pills and the implanting began. For the first 5 hours I was drifting in and out and didn't even know what was going until the meds wore off and I was wide awake for the last 2 hours. I could hear some squeaking noises, I think it was the implanting of the grafts. All was done and I was shocked I was there for 9 hours total as I didn't feel it at all.


    The recipient area I have had almost no pain since day one up and until today (day 23). The donor area however has always been tender and discomfort when sleeping. But this is gradually getting better and better by the day.


    Just suck it up and you'll be fine. I had the same feeling 1 week pre op and all fears were at rest shortly after the start of the procedure as I really felt minimal pain.


    Good luck.

  11. Just give it another couple months. You may be a late bloomer, you never know.


    Also any reason why you won't consume finas? It might help speed things along with some application of minox aswell maybe? Just a thought.


    Anyway hang in there, happy growing!!!

  12. Same here, I got really oily hair as well, throughout the day the hair would get oily and cause it to lump together loosing any volume at all. I need to wash 2 times a day to get the oil out.


    Funny thing after the HT is that it's less oily and I don't sweat at all on top of balding regions like before.

  13. Hi Gossamer,


    At day 17 post op (2 days ago) I looked very normal in fact. I returned to work and absolutely no-one noticed anything. But then again some people differ. But I reckon you should be fine after 2 weeks and if you are still worried then apply a little concealer and all is good.


    Also I found it helpful that I went ahead and rubbed off all of the scabbing before returning to work.


    Good luck.

  14. I wore a bandanna and looked semi like a cancer patient. Didn't get too many stares really, but had to take it off at customs out of Bangkok cause they take a picture of you.


    Baseball cap let it real loose or just undo it at the back altogether. I have a real large head and even the biggest cap didn't fit without putting pressure. I had it hovering on top of my head and it looked ridiculous walking out to catch a cab after surgery, could probably fit a cat under there :)

  15. O no, the inevitable shed has begun I think. Day 15 and this morning whilst washing my hair I counted the loss of around 25 hairs from the back and sides. So I think this may be the start of shockloss from the donor area. The top recipient area I lost about 5 hairs. Looks like a hair breakage and no root on it.


    I wash my hair very regularly (2 times a day) as my hair and scalp is rather oily naturally. Post op day 1 morning I ran my fingers along my new hairline and there is a thick layer of oil coming off (Sorry to gross you out, but this may have been due to the newly planted grafts and only leaving the clinic to wash may hair a day later). Should I be washing only 1 time a day or even washing once every 2 days?



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