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Posts posted by hairz

  1. Hairz, no i have not tried to adjust the dose, stopped it completely. I have read even small doses can still cause hormonal changes so i have elected to not take it. For me i guess i would rather lose my hair than have some hair and breasts too, which right now i may have to have surgery to fix.


    I had the same problem as you so I stopped taking it and the gynocomania went away on its own. I was talking it over with a doctor and he said I should try a lower dose.

  2. Hello Kenz. As i have mentioned on other threads my experience with propecia has been great up until a few months ago. It has worked very well in maintaining what i have and really thickened it up. I have not had any problem at all in the sexual side effects department, but unfortunately for me i have developed gynocomania (enlargement of the breasts), which is a stated side effect of this medication. I have very reluctantly stopped using it, but am still on minox, so hoping that it will pick up the slack.


    Have you tried lowering the dose? (I was told to try this for gynocomania side effect)

  3. Hairz,


    I got your PM and took a peek at your pics again. I also read your post that has the diagram and your proposed graft allocations.


    Without seeing your hair shafts in person, it appears that you have average hair caliber, narrow color contrast, and some wave characterisitcs which may be more apparent in your donor zone.


    Because the grafts will be harvested from the occipital zone if you have FUHT, then some wave will be apparent with the regrowth in the frontal zone especially if there is any length grown to it. This will add to the illusion of coverage and volume as compared to no wave characteristics.


    IMHO, I really do not think there are many people that need to try and achieve as high as 70 plus FU per cm2. About 5 years ago or so, when dense packing was the buzz in the forums, I received some post-op photos of men who insisted on getting to the 70 FUcm2 level and tried to get as much density as their surgeon could possibly attain.


    The honest truth is that I began to see the yield factor decrease across the board along with the visual observation that there is not much difference in the "illusuion of coverage" when you get beyond 50 FUcm2. Again these are men with either average or above average hair characterisitcs.


    In other words, I felt that the patients who went beyond the 50 FU mark did not look better or more restored that the ones at the mid-point ranges. The hair shaft diameter of terminal hair in the donor is far superior than the diffusing hair that was once in the recipient areas. This is why patients with average hair caliber can appear restored even if they attain 50% of original density!


    The other yield factor can be compromised because whenever the level of trauma is raised because of the hundreds of additional recipient incisions and their closer proximity to each other can have a negative effect on the overall yield. So I am more of the opinion that 50-55 FUs cm2 will produce a higher overall yield than 70 FUs plus with a higher trauma level and corresponding lower yield factor.


    You can always have another pass for density in the future while preserving your available donor for the future.


    Thanks for your reply! Dr. Rahal will be putting 65-70 FUs cm2 on the hair line mostly using one hair follicles. Would using one hair follicles at 70 FUs cm2 make a difference in the problems you've stated? Dr. Rahal feels confident in putting 65-70 FUs cm2 without yield loss. Behind the hair line will be as you've stated 50-55 FUs cm2.

  4. 3 month update: Very happy with my progress to date, the redness on the left side of my hairline is taking its time going away and i have pimples here all the time, pimples that come in all other areas go away quickly though. Still early days but im looking forward to the next few months :D


    This is really looking nice already. It is a big difference!

  5. Your going to need more than 3500 grafts to create a new hairline and add density to it, ive had 2700 in total and believe me its not megga effective.


    Now I see what you mean. I will start taking it soon for my crown and middle zones. I think the front of my hair is to fair gone to recover it as it is bald with no hairs at all in the temples and just a little hair in the center.

  6. I strongly, strongly recommend being on medication for a year at least before having a hair transplant. Search the forum and you will find that there are people who have spared thousands of grafts due to medications. You may be one of them. Just take your time and exhaust all available non-surgical options.


    what did you mean by spared thousands? Did you mean wasting grafts where not needed?

  7. Your going to need more than 3500 grafts to create a new hairline and add density to it, ive had 2700 in total and believe me its not megga effective.


    I've seen lots of very good results with 3,500 grafts. Are you saying go for the 3,500 grafts or else I may be disappointed?




    Are you on finasteride and minoxidil for your crown? IMHO, finasteride stands the best chances of keeping your crown from breaking up. It may even thicken some but also remember that the initial use of these hairloss meds can induce some shedding. But better than not treating it medicinally at all. I would not recommend any grafts into your crown.


    Your frontal third can take the upper limit or your range or even do something between like 3,000 to start. Keeping a mature hairline placement, that would make a huge impact.


    What is your family history of hairloss since you are still young? Your midscalp is going and will eventually meet the posterior (crown) if you are not taking finasteride.


    Have you received any other opinions?



    I am not on any meds was waiting for the Dr. to prescribe this fo me. My grandpa on my dads side had very nice hair. My dad is NW5 at 50+. It is hard to keep track as my family is broken.

  8. Thanks for the kind posts guys. Always great to get some feedback. After a short month that is February, I am fast approaching the 5 month post op stage and am looking forward to seeing how things have progressed over the last month. I have cut my hair shorter this last week and things are looking good. Hoping that getting the 4 and 5 months photos up side by side will put a smile on my face. Ill remain optimistic. :-)





    Thanks for keeping us updated.

  9. It's a tough decision. I think you need to sit down with a doc and come up with a good plan. It looks like your crown may be an issue years from now, so that needs to factor in in your decision.


    Personally, I would attack the front 2/3's with 3500+ (or whatever the doc you chooses recommends), so as to strengthen up that part of your head--that is the first thing people see when meeting you.


    Saying you have 10,000 available, I would attack the front now and then worry about the crown down the road.


    That is what I did. I was a NW4+ and have comfortably built up my front 2/3 and could not be happier.



    I will have a talk with Dr. Rahal about it and let him decide. I trust him to make the right decision for me.


    I made a diagram including measurements and what I think may be needed. If I did it correctly, for 50 grafts per sq/cm it would be 3,175 grafts. With a mix of 70 grafts per sq/cm in the hairline and dropping to 55 and then 50, there would be a bit more grafts needed.


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