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Posts posted by Johnny1386

  1. Hello


    I assumed the donor area would always be in the back of the head but I have noticed some Dr's taking the donor area from the side of the head , what are the Pros and cons

    - I assume the side is choosen if this is the 2nd , 3rd procedure and the indivdual us running out of donor area in the back


    What area would you prefer for the donor area the sides of the head or the back of the head and why

  2. Hello


    I am sure all hair colours are suitable for hair transplantation but would you say darker hair would get a potential better result ?


    ....this raises another question. the lighter the skin colour the more noticable the receptent area would be right after the procedure and a couple days after then a person who has darker skin?

  3. Hello All,


    I had a hair transplant back in 1998, about 800 grafts from the Chambers institute in Toronto. I was 29. For a number of years my hairline was ok .

    Now 12 years later I am considering another one . Some Dr;s have reccomended 4000 grafts . My thinning is in the frontal area about 2 " in. No Crown thinning thankfully. I am 42 years old.

    It was 12 years ago that I had my first transplant , it was a long time ago , almost forgot the pain but I did say at that time I would never get one again.

    I had a bit of puffyness around the forhead for a few days but what bothered me the most was the donor area. I swear for years I cound feel the ridge . It was itchy, got pimples , Do I do it again? Few questions , answers , feedback welcome


    1) do you find most Dr's reccomend more grafts then needed , the reason why I ask this I look at some Dr's website and I feel I am a certain level of thinning and they think I am worse then what I am ? I am wondering if Dr;s are just lowering my expectations ?


    2) 2000 grafts vs 4000 grafts - less pain in the donor area? IF I go with 2000 grafts vs 4000? or about the same ?,small cut or large cut you are still going to have pain?


    3) I would think 2000 grafts should make a big cosmetic improvement ? If its going to establish the frontal hairline


    My hair is dark brown, corse , olive complextion


    thanks to all who comment

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