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Status Updates posted by rvenkat

  1. Hi Falc,


    Thanks for your reply.


    I fall under Norwood 2/2A scale and i want to save my remaining hair.

    Say if i take finasteride for rest of my life, will that have any serious impact.

    I am already aware of the possible rare side effects of finasteride through this forum but i have not come across people who have been using it for a very long time say more than 20 years.








  2. Hi Falc,


    I have been actively reading this forum from few months and today I made up my mind to actively participate and therefore joined this wonderful forum.


    I want to know whether taking Finasteride/propecia will control hairfall at all parts of the head like vertex,front and temples, or is it effective only on vertex. Because I read somewhere that it will not stop hairfall in the frontal and temples.

    Please clarify my confusion.


    Also if possible can u provide u r email id.


    Best Regards,



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