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Posts posted by Gin0rm0usF0rehead

  1. I had consultations with Hair Club and Bosley, stay far away from those large commercial chain type places. Bosley wanted 3 times the cost per graph vs. other places, and told me I needed to transplant 4 times the amount of grafts other places quoted me. Keep in mind im Norwood 3, just the hairline area.

  2. I learned my lesson after the first transplant. On my second transplant i was smarter and purchased a lawn folding chair with leg support, like a recliner. And also purchase one of the U-shaped pillows to put around my neck. It put the weight of my head on my neck and not on the scar, and the U-shape prevented my head from moving in a way that would touch the healing hairs.


    Its best to sleep on a comfortable recliner at an angle, one that doesnt bother your back. goodluck!

  3. The way you described it, sounds like a bad experience with the surgery. 2 cuts is 1 cut too many in my oppinion. I mean, the shots and cutting are the worst parts of the experience, I was freaked out enough just getting sliced open once. Also, I am Asian too and had 1700 graphs to fix my receding hairline. So I do not think you will be happy with the density. Asians have very thick coarse hair, and normally sunlight wont show any scalp, but it will show scalp in the transplanted area, then youll have a very dark background from the native hair. I posted my results in the "Post by Patients section under Nuhart NYC Dr. Glenn Ross" I had a receding hairline, but you can kinda see the point im making about the dark density and light sparse appearance.

  4. I've heard a few people on this site say bad things about Nuhart. I wanted to share some "after" photos of my 2 transplants at the NYC office. Unfortunately, I do not have any before pictures clearly showing the my hairloss, but I was a Norwood 3 to 3A. I only have a receding hairline, with no hairloss in the back at all. I'm Asian, so my hair is very thick/coarse/dense everywhere except the hairline region.


    Overall, I am happy with my results. I had 700 grafts in HT#1 with decent results, but I had issues with poor growth on my left side of head. The right side was much fuller and denser where the grafts were placed. I complained to the Doctor, and he agreed to give me a price break on HT#2 of 1000 grafts. So I am 2 HTs (total 1700 grafts) and 2 years post surgeries. The doctor said i have a ton of donor hairs remaining.


    After HT#2, my hairline is restored. For my normal styling, you can barely tell I have any hairloss.


    I am attaching some photos of after-shower wet hair. I deliberately attached pics with different lighting (some directly under lights), some with flash, and some without. My hair is brushed back, but that is not how i style my hair going out. When i go out, its brushed to the side or slightly forward.


    What do you all think?








  5. Glad your session went so well. Just like you, I kept asking for more pain shots since my body kept metabolising it so fast. It got to the point where the doctor said were giving you too much, can you hang on for a few more minutes? Were almost done. Either he was afraid I would overdose, or he was being cheap with the meds. But i did have a LOT of injections.

  6. I had my first transplant at 31, pretty much at the same stage hairloss as you. I don't regret it as I was feeling miserable, very much like you are feeling now. I do worry about future hairloss, but I am happy now and thats more important since I personally feel the 20s and 30s are the best years of a person's life, not the 40's and 50s. So it was more important for me to do the procedure than wait. It's a personal call and you are doing the right thing by asking about it on the forums, but you really should make a consulation and hear it from a doctor. The appoints are free, so why not?

  7. It's normal unfortunately. I was super paranoid that people were staring at the back of my head, and you really cant cut it (blend) well for the first couple of months since the incision area is much shorter or missing a line of hair. I did my best to gel and hairspray it to blend as much as possible or look upward more so the missing chunk of hair was less obvious. Goodluck!

  8. Yes the needles hurt like a mofo. The cutting doesnt hurt, but you feel pressure and pulling from them digging into your scalp and ripping out a chunk of your head/follicles. The entire experience was very disturbing to me and i cringe at the though of having to do it again.


    With that said. Other than the painful injections, the procedure doesnt not hurt too much, but is very scary. Thats why they give you valium and other drugs to calm you down. The aftermath of the surgery, including sleeping is just a horrible experience.


    But in the end, I will say, I dont regret having the procedure down because i look 10 years younger!. So it was worth it!. Im hot stuff!

  9. For my first 700 grafts transplant I'd say half of my implanted hairs did NOT shed and just kept growing. In fact the areas that did not shed at all ended up being the best results after 1 year.


    For my second 1000 grafts transplant, more hair shed. Not sure why. But I am 5 months post op now and although there is an improvement, I am not wowwed yet. Back to patiently waiting....

  10. Valium and Madol aren't doing jack shi**. I can walk around, stand up, and do stuff without any pain. Its only when i lay my head down on the pillow. It doesn't matter if I lay down on with the back of my head or the sides, it hurts like a motherf****. The valium did work cuz I somehow fell asleep without remembering, but it only lasted 1 REM sleep cycle (90-120 minutes). I'm awake at 2:45AM (thailand time). I'm seeing the doc in 6 hours (9am), but still, are there any other tricks or helpful hints to fall asleep?


    It is VERY helpful if you sleep on a recliner so there is less weight on the wound due to not laying flat. That is how i got through surgery #2. I learned from Surgery #1, where i was absolutely miserable sleeping. So this time around i got a recliner and i also got one fo those travel U-shaped pillows, so im my neck area is taking all of the contact forces.

  11. So while showering i feel a little stinging. After the shower i looked in the mirror and there's a tiny hole where the graft is missing and there is quite a bit of blood that i had to keep pressure on to stop bleeding. This has happened twice now. Once in the shower. And once not in the shower. Anyone else experience this after 2 months? Are the grafts gone for good?

  12. Jeez, sorry to hear that. What was wrong with the first procedure? Did some of the grafts not grow? They should have replaced them for free. Yeah, Bernstein is expensive. I never went to him for a consultation so I can't say if he is negotiable. I went with True and Dorin and they were willing to work with me because I wasn't sure if I could the entire surgery.


    Yeah some of the grafts on my left side of hairline did not grow. There were obvious empty patches. Even the Doctor admitted the results on the left were not good. The right side however turned out good. So i got half good results and half bad. I wonder if this had anything to do with the different technicians working on my head? I went back again because they did throw in a few hundred grafts for free to make up for the poor results from the first surgery. I requested different technicians work on me this time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that in a few months I will see how successful this surgery was. This is just my experience so far. I am just one person, so I dont think this site has enough information to say whether Doc Ross is a "good" HT surgeon relative to others. Goodluck if you decide to go through with your procedure and give us feedback. I didnt keep a good photo journal of my transplants. but if i find anything i'll post them.

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