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Posts posted by js2004

  1. dr said very small procedure 300-350 fue to fill in back of temple and just along sides of hairline nothing in front hair is really thick. said 10days neither front or back where fue come from should really be noticable? said red hair and redish skin hides most and i still have really thick and alot of surrunding hair does that sound correct? anyone had a small fue done like that? doctor said such small prod.

  2. dr said very small procedure 300-350 fue to fill in back of temple and just along sides of hairline nothing in front hair is really thick. said 10days neither front or back where fue come from should really be noticable? said red hair and redish skin hides most and i still have really thick and alot of surrunding hair does that sound correct? anyone had a small fue done like that? doctor said such small prod.

  3. has anyone had fue done in phila area and share results im 40 with some receeding in temples alittle too far back for me but can hide fairly well been on propecia about 8 month hard to tell if its done anything have alot of hairs in that area that are fine about 2inches dont remember if they were there before propecia. just looking ti fill corners in alittle.

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