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Posts posted by js2004

  1. Im 11 weeks out small fue 513 grafts, dont have pre-op pics. I cant tell if hair growing is new growth or hair that was shaven down. what should i expect at 11 weeks? total was about 780 hairs to thicken up recession in temples procedure was done by Dr. feller on oct 28th so i have total faith results will be good.

  2. I had 513 grafts done in end of oct with dr feller. I wear hair same way alittle longer in front all grafts were done in temple area, and similar job setting took 2 weeks off recpt area was better about a 2 weeks alittle redness and donor area was fine in about week, hardest part is they shave some hair in front to place grafts and its just starting to grow baclk so i look worse than when i got it done. good luck.

  3. Does everyone go to Dr. Feller? I just had 500 grafts in hairline and temples done on 10-28-10 with Dr. Feller I have to say it was pretty simple and no pain. The whole procedure took about 3hrs it took almost as long to drive home and it was worth it, was considering some local to do procedure and after being on this board for about 6 months I relized it was worth the extra few bucks and the drive to go to one of the best couldnt be happier now i just have to wait for it to grow i have 2 weeks off hopefuly will look normal before i go back to work. Dr. feller can post pics and i will update.

  4. As far as only 500 grafts thats what dr feller suggested and also what i had in mind before i got there doing research. have some receeding alittle to far back and just want it fix 40yrs old and on propecia so pretty sure i wont lose any more all faimly members same hairline in 60's. will ask dr to post or i will post results.

  5. Dr Feller I have heard nothing but good things about u. Can i send u some phots to look at? u are about 2-3hrs from me would u be able to give an opion with pics and if so set up procuder. Dr i saw said it would be almost undectable after a week and said 1 and 2 hair grafts with 1.25 punch which make me a little concerned because sounds alot bigger than what many other doctors use. he said 350 grafts and if needs couple more would only charge for 350. I would rather use someone like yourself who has a great reputation.

  6. thanks i def am im doing alot research. when dr drew in what he thought i could use it was ecxatly what i was thing. def not a squared off hailine just thichen existing v hairline on sides and some small temple thickening.

  7. been on propecia 8months dont really think i was losing much more hair was hoping it might regrow some and it might i have some fine hairs around hairline but def not enough to fill in what i want but i will continue to take help any futher lose im 39 and have had same hairline about 5 yrs and father pretty good but younger brother is worse than me.

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