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Posts posted by qwerty

  1. Im not sure who much on each temple, but there were just under 1400 grafts total. The grafts from MHR were so long ago that I couldnt even guess how many they did. Though the pictures dont show it as much, they really looked pluggy. I did think about shaving my head, but after shaving one of the MHR grafts, the scar looked too bad. I accepted that I was at the point of no return, so I moved forward and made the commitment to keep my hair.

  2. I have been on Propecia for about 6 weeks and no real side effects except my semen is a littler more watery. I must say my sex drive has increased alot. I have read that increased sex drive stabalizes after some time, but it hasnt yet. I just had a HT last week and honestly, I think I am going to stop the Propecia in the near future. Aside from the monetary cost, I think Id start taking it if my hairloss becomes very noticable......

  3. My hairline has always been high and hair very thin all over the top of my head. I have also had high temples and, in my early 20's, noticed some slow recession. In 1996 I had some minor work done by MHR and the repair work looked very pluggy. As I recently noticed some thinning on one section of my hairline (age 39), I did my research and decided to have a HT done by Dr. Lindsey. In all honesty, I was a little skeptical as to how it would look being my MHR work looked horrible. I really do not impress easily but, being I'm only one week out, I am very impressed as to how the hairline looks built up. Now I'm in the waiting game where the hair will fall out and slowly come back in over the next year.







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