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Mark H

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Posts posted by Mark H

  1. Who's your doctor?


    Do you have pictures?


    7.5 months is nearing the time when you should see serious results, although it is true that it can take a year or more to see full results.


    Most though, would be seeing most of what they're going to get by the 8 month period I think.


    So I think you have some reason for concern. Give more details and pictures if possible, and you'll get lots of responses from folks more experienced than I.


    I got an HT only a month ago.



    mark h

  2. Don't mind the rain, or the rolling sea

    The weary night doesn't call to me


    But the hardest time in a sailors day

    Is to watch the sun as it dies away


    Heres one more day, on the Grey Funnel line


    The finest ship that sails the sea

    Is still a prison for the likes of me

    But give me wings like Noah's dove

    I'd fly above her, to the girl I love


    Here's one more day, on the Grey Funnel Line.

  3. Many of you concerned about HT's may be unaware that although a cholesterol level below 200 is considered healthy, that actually 1/3rd of all heart attacks occur in people who's cholesterol level is under 200.


    However, the rate of CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) for those who maintain a level of less than 150mg/dl is much less than 1%!


    So, drop that bag of cheetos!

  4. Let us go through certain half deserted streets

    The muttering retreats of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels


    and sawdust with oyster shells

    Streets that lead you to an overwhelming question


    Oh do not ask, "What is it?"


    Let us go and make our visit


    In the room the women come and go talking of Michealangelo

  5. Our revels now are ended

    These our actors, as I foretold you...

    We're all spirits and are melted into air


    Into thin air


    And like the baseless fabric of this vision

    The cloudcap towers

    The gorgeous palaces, the solemn temples

    The great globe itself

    Yea all which inherit it shall disolve

    and like this insubstantial pageant faded

    Leave not a rack behind


    the tempest

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