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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Posts posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. I agree that Body hair should be a last resort meaning there is no available donor hair on the scalp. I also would say that of all the areas of the body that follicles could be taken from, leg hairs in most patients would be lower on the list of potential donor sites.

  2. I agree that the only way to compare two patients is if they have the same hair characteristics including color, thickness (fine vs course) ,straightness vs curly/wavy and obviously the same number of grafts are placed within the same size area. There can also be a difference in the result based on the angle and direction the grafts are placed which is controlled by the doctor making the incisions.

  3. This 49 year old male had 2003 FUE ARTAS grafts placed in the hairline and mid-scalp areas during his first procedure. The patient then had a second procedure 1 year later and had an additional 1213 FUE ARTAS grafts placed to add density to the previously transplanted area. The photos show before procedures, 1 year post-op from the first procedure and 1 year post-op from the second procedure. The patient is extremely pleased with the results of the procedures.







    sm 2003 & 1213 FUE ARTAS grafts before, 1 year post 1st SX, and 1 year post 2nd SX.pdf

  4. I generally tell patients that they should wait 12-15 months before considering having a second procedure where grafts would be placed into the same area as the first procedure. I would not want to place any new grafts on top of previously placed grafts that have started growing yet. When transplanting grafts into a different area than first procedure you would only need to wait for the donor area to heal properly (6-8 months) A small touch up can be done sooner if the new grafts are not being placed in same area as original procedure.

  5. I often explain to my patients that hair transplantation is a complicated mathematics equation. You need to know how many sq. cm of balding vs thinning area there is. How. many sq. cm of available donor area is there and what is the density/ hairs per sq. cm in the donor area. Unfortunately this is a very difficult problem to solve and it doesn't take into consideration that there will likely be more hair loss with aging. I do think that to patients with the exact same hair loss pattern but 2 very different sized heads will require a different number of grafts to obtain coverage in the balding/thinning area.

  6. Be careful with surgery in Turkey. There are a few reputable clinics there but there are many unlisenced/ under ground clinics that are offering hair transplants at a very cheap price . Remember every person only has a limited amount of donor hair available for hair transplantation, so most cannot afford to waste any.

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