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Posts posted by dannyskywalker

  1. thanks for the reply guys,


    I am 24 and I am on proscar.

    I do agree, I am trying to hold off as long as possible, to be honest I could live with what it is now if it just stopped there, but it wont.


    Joe, you are right the pics are a little unrepresentable, one was with a flash and one was without, I have good lighting in my crapper.

    aswell, there was gel in my hair at the moment, which I usually do not do, but i had part 3 of a massive beast of an interview process that day and had to look mildly cleaned up.


    thanks again guys. as i said before, I wont use toppik, I dont like the idea of it and cant une minoxdill because it irritates the hell out of my scalp.


    I am planning on waiting as long as possible, I am just planning so I can have this done before I need it in the middle of a career 1 year in, or so I dont have to drop an internship to deal with balding.

  2. Stingray!!!!!!!!


    it is nice to see you on here man, aswell, I am so so sorry to see your case went poorly.


    It is fixable though man, so don't mug yourself to hard.


    aswell, you are smart in avoiding the Armani Drill, lol, cant beleive that a drill/punch device was the big invention that he hides from everyone.


    I'm voting to get money back or a least half a touch up doesnt cut it, especially when there is more to loose than gain... speaking donor wise

  3. heya everyone,


    so i am in need of a second procedure over the next year. my first HT was and still is awesome.

    It was with Dr. Rahal, it was 2998 grafts and it was sept 07. I have spoken with Adrian and am going to give him time to look over the situation


    as i was expecting, the hair behind it thinned more and i now require more grafts, aswell I wish to have some previous grafts removed just for safety sake. By removing I am refering to grafts on the side of my head temple area. realized the loss may be more substantial and need to be causious, I can deal with having daniel craig hair, but not joseph fritzel, lol, search their hair to know what im talking about.


    anyway, attached are 2 pics, tell me what you guys think

  4. heya everyone,


    so i am in need of a second procedure over the next year. my first HT was and still is awesome.

    It was with Dr. Rahal, it was 2998 grafts and it was sept 07. I have spoken with Adrian and am going to give him time to look over the situation


    as i was expecting, the hair behind it thinned more and i now require more grafts, aswell I wish to have some previous grafts removed just for safety sake. By removing I am refering to grafts on the side of my head temple area. realized the loss may be more substantial and need to be causious, I can deal with having daniel craig hair, but not joseph fritzel, lol, search their hair to know what im talking about.


    anyway, attached are 2 pics, tell me what you guys think


  5. i am sorry to hear about your situation.


    your hair loss seems to resemple the actual "diffuse alopecia" not a typical thinning.


    read a bit on this, it looks like it would be depressing.


    consult with a good HT doctor, not necessarily for a transplant, but maybe because they have experience with issues/disorders relating to hair loss of all forms.


    I am personally not in your shoes, I am thinning in an obvious norwood 5-6 pattern with wet hair, but not that low on the sides man.


    good luck

  6. growmehair,


    if it hurts it will only hurt for 10 minutes or so.


    do not take pain killers, it is unnecessary .


    as for the grafts shedding, I still had a lot at 4 weeks and still more at 6. it will happen eventually.



    do not worry! you are probabally fine. the grafts are sensitive, but not as much as one would think. aswell, you went ot a good clinic, so your results will be good unless you seriously do some damage to your scalp.


    good luck.

  7. rahal is a great choice. best of luck with your surgery.


    dannyskywalker, i thought you bid these forums adieu?


    hey hairthere,


    I left HLH, It was getting rediculus, it sucked because that is where people knew me best, but I had just kinda moved, lol.


    aswell, after being contacted by a few of Dr. Rahal's patients regarding advice/concerns about their procedure I realized that this is a good tool to help out the fellow balding brethren.

    just 2 weeks ago I met up with a patient in my home town who needed some re assurance about the scar. showed him my scar, my results and damn it was friggin cold outside.


    anyway, nice to be on here.



    sorry for the irrelavence to your case finehair

  8. hey brother,


    I just looked at your pics and things look great!


    congrats! you will have awesome results in the next 3-7 months.


    I get wicked jelousy when I see the newer Rahal patients, digging those subtle "widows peaks".

    that and my thinning patch are my next order of business for number 2.


    good growing to you!

  9. all chime in aswell,


    scalp laxity exercises are important if you need to pull a good amount of grafts out, since you are aiming for 4000 grafts, do them more commonly.


    I would say 30 mins, 3 x daily because time is coming soon.


    as for the hair color and type, it does not have much to do with success, but how it looks.


    EX- blonde hair= less contrast with scalp, appearing denser.

    course brown hair= high contrast but wavy or curly hair covers more ground.


    red fine hair= i have no idea, but dr.rahal is a great doctor and will some wicked magic together to make it look good.


    good luck fineredhair

  10. Canadian_buba,


    I had a procedure with dr. rahal over a year ago and am extremely happy with my results.


    I am also from canada, well ontario (GTA) to be exact, so If you would like to see a result in person or have some questions answered over the phone feel free to PM me and I would be more than happy to share my experience with you

  11. The best decision I evr made was backing out of my procedure with armani and going for a HT with dr. rahal.


    The consultant at armani said I needed 3500,I said i would go 3000, Dr. Rahal said maybe 2500 and my beastly donor supply pumped out 2998.


    i backed out due to an overwhelming bad feeling that was looming over me about the clinic.


    I lost $2,000 in deposit, but do not really regret it.


    Martinnyc, look into Dr. Rahal in Ottawa Ontario, he is an awesome surgeon, my 2nd suggestion is Dr's hasson and wong.


    good luck

  12. penny,


    i am sorry to hear this. I have noticed though that this is quite common in older asian woman.


    aswell, in the cases of female hairloss the "permanent zone" is not the same as it is for males... as females will tend to thin globally.


    I suggest researching outside asia.


    like my usual I will suggest Dr. Rahal, he has a many asian patients (according to the woman at the hotel front desk). Due to the difference in hair/ density, gender, etc. it is a good idea to research

  13. Dr. Jones,


    I do not know you, but have read alot about you being a poor quality surgeon, aswell i feel you may be of poor character due to a video you claimed you INVENTED FUE, which is false. I have read threads about you treating patients poorly and producing poor results.


    noone has to sign a waiver in order for you to defend your name to the above.


    I commend you for attempting to use accell.


    So, I do have an idea, I live in the GTA, if you can get your Best result in the GTA and me in the same room together and I say "wow, his hair is way better than mine", then I would probabally come on here and tell everyone that you are as great as you make yourself out to be.


    consider it, I'm not a shifty poster and I dont lie.

  14. Clint,


    I had my procedure with Dr.Rahal over a year ago and the results are fantastic.


    if you would like to know more pm me or you can look up my threads in the results section on hairlosshelp.


    good luck!

  15. hey eman,


    thanks man, I'm happy my sense of humor toward life and hair transplants helped, you made a good choice, you wont regret it.


    as for pics, I tried to start up something on here yesterday and gave up after realizing how long I was tinkering around. I will make one eventually, but unfortunately I have little time for anything lately.


    take it easy man and i look forward to seeing your progress!

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