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Everything posted by Reyes

  1. Wow, what great density for only 6 months post op! I can't wait to see him at his 1 year mark. This procedure easily took years off the appearance of this patient and seeing this great of results in a short amount of post-operation time only indicates an uphill outcome from here. Thanks for posting, keep us updated.
  2. Dear bllorayne, I agree with both Bill and Bobman. It is hard to get an unbiased opinion on a question like that. Definitely go through the doctor's portfolios and use your best judgment and what you think a mega-session should look like. Have you already had a consult and have they suggested a mega-session? All I can say is good luck to you and happy hunting.
  3. new2thissite, I guess the real difference is while patting you do get to remove more of the scabs created by the new sites. Scabs are not a good thing. Like bill stated, the first 10 days are crucial but it's not like you're going to rip them all out with one swipe of a comb or pat of a towel. The grafts are pretty settled in by now. It's ok to be overly cautious at this point I guess. Don't fret too much though on day 11 and so forth . Take care!
  4. Dear Sonia, You and Bill are right. There should be no reason why Laser Hair Removal shouldn't work. Are you also stating that they had the original transplanted completely removed without doing an additional corrective hair transplant? This is just me asking so maybe I can take a look into this myself. I assumed that, in the case of hair plugs, they were just altered and then camouflaged with new transplanted hair afterwards. But back to the original question, electrolysis / laser hair removal should work the same way for sure. Just a few treatments and you have a 70%+ chance the follicles and roots are comepletely gone. Hope I'm of help in some way...
  5. Yay! I get to do homework on this one! I'll get back to you soon...
  6. Dear Edge, Sorry to hear about this. Everyone heals differently and you're not an exception. You're already 4 days into the procedure so the grafts have pretty much settled but not healed is my understanding. DEFINITELY don't be aggressive on the grafts. Is the donor area also bothering you? If they closed the donor area with stapples they cna remove a few to alleviate some or most discomfort. As for the grafts area, maybe some light patting during your cleaning will help ease the discomfort. I'd follow up with your surgeon ASAP if it worsens. Otherwise just tough it out till your next visit. Don't be afraid to call your surgeon. There is no such thing as a stupid question ESPECIALLY not after a surgery. Take care.
  7. Tweek2X, I'd take both Edge and thanatopsis' advise in both aspects. A second opinion is definitely reassuring for the most part. I'm still trying to familiarize myself with the doctors mentioned on this site that are both part of the coalition and those that are just mentioned by the users like us. If thanatopsis is confident in Dr. Rahal's opinion then definitely take his advise about not being a HT candidate. I'd say at least ask the Shapiro Medical Group for alternatives other than HT. I've heard good things about them for sure. Whether it's a second opinion or a 20th, there's got to be an answer for what you're going through. Good luck to you.
  8. Dear new2thissite, Congrats on the HT. I know you're a bit concerned about your grafts. You're almost a week into the procedure so you really don't have anything to worry about. Just don't be aggressive on the transplant area is all. The biggest mistake most HT patients make is they assume that they have to be extra cautious with their new hair even months after the procedure. At this point you can apply product like sunscreen (sun bad for new hair), hair gel (for what's already there), or make-up (if you're an actor...). The one thing you want to prevent in general is scabbing. It's a normal occurence of course but that's why you should wash twice a day. Continue spunging and pat drying with a towel (paper towels like Bounty work well, too) and keep the donor area clean as well to prevent infection. You're coming around fine. The pic is a little blurry but you don't have obvious oozing or anything "questionable." Hope this helps!
  9. Bill, Thanks for the advise. I'm still trying to get a feel for your site and what I can and cannot say as well. I'll definitely keep this in mind from now on. Also, as I've stated, most of the comments I'll be making on this site will be my own. Dr. Mohebi has taught me not to smash anybody for any reason. I'm sure Dr. Och is a great surgeon (PERIOD). GLH, It's all in your hands. Oh, BTW, thanks for the link to TomA's profile. I appreciate that! Vince, That's not nice... Bill, GLH, Vince: THANK YOU ALL!
  10. GLH, Thanks for that link. His HT looks great. I'm happy that it all went well for him. I love the wedding pictures, too. So proud!
  11. Bill, Your are tenacious. I love how you watch out for this site. I love it!
  12. Hello, I'm confused. Did the person whom started this forum actually go through with the procedure in Thailand? I wish he had some photos posted If he did, I hope things went well for him.
  13. Dear GLH, The whole frankenstein part is what scares me. I'm sure Dr. Ochs' pictures are legitimate and all but I'm just worried about his fees. I know the economy is influencing a lot of people into hasty decisions, too. Don't be one to do the same. LA and SoCal are notorious for Plastic Surgery and such. I'm sure there's someone out there whom can help you. Keep us posted and if you have any questions, either myself or Dr. Mohebi will be glad to answer them for you. No worries whatsoever. Take care of yourself!
  14. Dear GLH, I just looked at Dr. Ochs' website. The price does sound enticing and his Before and After pics look legitimate. I'll be honest, I'm a little worried at his price personally. Have you had a consultation done by Dr. Ochs yet? I suggest visiting him first, get a feel for him and what not. I'm not going to make any suggestions on whom you should see. THAT is all up to you. What I do suggest is that you shop around a bit more. How long have you been researching and consulting with other doctors? I know some people will usually go for the first person that makes them feel good but this is a very important decision that can affect your life completely. Shop around. Check the rest of the forums. A lot of people on here have gone with doctors not associated with the coalition and are doing great while others will tell you their misfortunes. Good luck with your research and I hope you make the right choice. I mean this sincerely.
  15. Dear Bruce, Wow, you're almost 5 months into the surgery. It's looking pretty good in my opinion. I can't wait to see the final result myself. So excited for you Bruce!
  16. PGP, Were you asking me if I have a picture or Bruce? Just curious... I'm still familiarizing myself with the site but I'd be glad to post a picture of myself as a reference or something. Rey... Medical Assistant to Dr. Parsa Mohebi
  17. Dear Bill, I'm really sorry about the previous post and the confusion. I forgot to change that portion of my ending. Anyway, yes I do work for Dr. Mohebi and he had mentioned this site so I took the liberty of looking for information or reviews on Dr. Mohebi. I didn't really mean to revive particular post's fire and/or contraversy. It was simply me just making a statement. That still doesn't answer your question. Sorry, I'm one of Dr. Mohebi's MA's (medical assistants) and I'm just trying to absorb as much information as I can about this practice. I appreciate the fact that you DO closely monitor this site. It actually makes me feel more at ease to an extent. I'll be sure to add my affiliation on every post from now on. Till then, take care everyone! Sincerely, Rey... Reyes M. Medical Assistant Dr. Parsa Mohebi US Hair Restoration PS Is there a specific format or an easier way to do this? Thanks Bill!
  18. Dear EVERYONE, Bruce, you've come a long way and I like what I see. I've been reading ALL the post on this particular forum and I'm surprised at the response you've gotten, Bruce. I'm going to admit that I do know Dr. Mohebi's work and have seen it first hand. I like the pictures of Dr. Wong's work as well. You can tell that Dr. Wong really cares about the results of his work. I do need to say that Dr. Mohebi is his own person and, as such, is entitled to having his own style and design. You may say sloppy, I say natural. When I think about my hair and how it's all "placed" on my head it's not all that symmetrical at all. That's just my opinion though. I don't understand why there's so much argueing going on either. The tension is so high! Bruce, congratulations and I hope you're satisfied with your new appearance. Sincerely, Rey...
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