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Posts posted by justgrow

  1. PGP, Hi there!


    That was what I was hoping for. I did not see which day the anniversary party was though from the link Bill posted. I would not be able to stay the whole time but maybe for one or two days. Any insights?


    I can only imagine how many of my questions or concerns would be answered during that time.


    Dr. Carmen, Thanks for your input!

  2. Can anyone give me some more info on the meeting in Montreal? Pat, Bill, others

    I do not know when or where but my Dr. said I should attend if possible as all of the top docs or their Reps will be there. Is this true?

    He suggested I go before my next procedure and to also look at some of your noggins. I may be able to swing one or two days there.


    Thanks for your help

  3. Can anyone give me some more info on the meeting in Montreal? Pat, Bill, others

    I do not know when or where but my Dr. said I should attend if possible as all of the top docs or their Reps will be there. Is this true?

    He suggested I go before my next procedure and to also look at some of your noggins. I may be able to swing one or two days there.


    Thanks for your help

  4. This was a fun tread to read! I have to say




    Spider Siva (That body triangle he uses from the bottom)




    Would love to see 2 rookies go at it KIMBO and BROCK although it would be over in round 1.

    Brock is impressive and unproven and just plain SIck fast for a guy his size. This guy is down to about 265lbs from 320 plus in his wrestling days.

  5. uncjim,


    I really enjoyed your transformation and weblog.

    I had one procedure but not ultrarefined.

    I have had some of the same side effects such as cobblestoning like you. I am hoping the next procedure will result in a better outcome.

    I had about 700 graphs.


    i also did a virtual consultation with Joe.

    He also gave me a call and we discussed

    my situation for a bit. He is not only

    vry knowlegable but also a great all around guy.

    Congratulations on your great results!


    best Regards

  6. Bill,


    Thanks for your input. I will let you know what they say. My primary care doctor and the vein doctor know I want to have this procedure. they are advising against it for now only because of my current medical condition. I will PM you tomorrow. This is probably a better topic for

    private message.


    Thanks again,

  7. I have been on here for a while posting and reading. I have a procedure scheduled with Dr. Rahal in july but i was diagnosed with having "Deep Vein Thrombosis" or DVT. basically blood clots in my thighs. Ver scary as I was told it can be seroius. I was admitted to the hospital Wednesday and got out Sat. They started me me on blood thinners(can you guess where this is going?)I will be on these for the next 7 months for the pills and I get injections for now also. I have a feeling I will not be able to get my procedure done at least for now because I bleed like crazy. I have already put the deposit down and gotten all of the bloodwork done. I was very excited until I came across this setback. In a way I guess it is better than the alternative because of how worried my doctor is. Do you think I will lose my deposit now? Do you think that Dr. Rahal will understand? I still want this done but I highly doubt they will perform it knowing my dr has me on blood thinners.


    This is hard for me to be stuck in bed as I am very into the gym and playing sports. Please any thoughts and advice I welcome. All in all

    this is a hard pill for me to swallow.


    I will have to talk to Adrian Tomorrow and se what they say I guess.


    Thanks in advance for you comments and advice

  8. I have been on here for a while posting and reading. I have a procedure scheduled with Dr. Rahal in july but i was diagnosed with having "Deep Vein Thrombosis" or DVT. basically blood clots in my thighs. Ver scary as I was told it can be seroius. I was admitted to the hospital Wednesday and got out Sat. They started me me on blood thinners(can you guess where this is going?)I will be on these for the next 7 months for the pills and I get injections for now also. I have a feeling I will not be able to get my procedure done at least for now because I bleed like crazy. I have already put the deposit down and gotten all of the bloodwork done. I was very excited until I came across this setback. In a way I guess it is better than the alternative because of how worried my doctor is. Do you think I will lose my deposit now? Do you think that Dr. Rahal will understand? I still want this done but I highly doubt they will perform it knowing my dr has me on blood thinners.


    This is hard for me to be stuck in bed as I am very into the gym and playing sports. Please any thoughts and advice I welcome. All in all

    this is a hard pill for me to swallow.


    I will have to talk to Adrian Tomorrow and se what they say I guess.


    Thanks in advance for you comments and advice

  9. you could send him a letter from an attorney but that may automatically put him on the defensive as I am sure that he thinks he does "great" work He very well could feel insulted and less likely to work with you.

    Also it would be hard to get a settlement in my opinion because as with any cosmetic procedure there are no gaurantees on results.

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