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Posts posted by giants

  1. Dude im 17 i have the same problem. I have my head shaved and couln't be happier with the look. You look like ur the kinda the punk rock type so im not gonna argue with you on that. As strqange as it sounds I will also say that a recceeding it is more noticable with longer hair than a shaved head.


    Also its not that easy to just say im going to fill in my hair with a transplant.

    1. are yo aware of the cost of a HT?

    2. That there may be side effects.

    3. Not all Ht run smoothly and it takes alot of time and effort finding a good one.

    4. Also a high qualified on would not operate on you so you really cant continue arguing it.

  2. look jacob I dont know what your trying to complain about. You asked Bill for example pictures, you got them, now your criticizing them .Why don't you just find them yourself.


    There are a number of reasons why I am skeptical of lasers. The have been used at salons for a long time and just suddenly people notice that they might benefit hair. This would have been pointed about along time ago had they made that big of a difference. Im not interested in thickeners, im interested in re growing and maintaining. Maybe im wrong but there's no proof yet that disproves me.

  3. non sensual? do you mean sequential. anyway heres some anwsers.


    1. First of all dont take propecia too lightly. Watch out for sexual side-effects. Your too young for a transplant. A doctor would refuse to operate on you. They would just tell you to come back when your older. No doctor in America would operate on a 17 year old.


    2. IF you do use a shampoo use nizoral 1% or 2%. Its active ingredent kills DHT.




    4. I would get on rogaine as well. The rogaine foam is much easier to use and can be bought at rite-aid. Apply half- of a cap to the areas which are receeding.


    5. Dying your hair will have no effect on anythin exept you mabye should stop using rogaine for a few days after dying your hair.


    6. Blow drying your hair will have no effect on propecia but it will on rogaine.

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