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Everything posted by ifloss

  1. I think you'l be able to find "A" HT surgeon to restore your hairline. The question is should it be done. There's so much knowledge on this forum but peoples opinion may be skewed because you have so much hair. You seem educated and are going about it the right way. Spend a couple of hundred dollars and visit various surgeons to see what they say. By the time you're 33 years old they may be replicating follicles and futures hairloss after a transplant may not be an issue. Talk to an ethical surgeon - Dr. Cooley is one - and see what the risks/benefits/options are. I started at 36 and was probably 10 years late. Good luck.
  2. I did an initial live consultation with a local HT surgeon. I looked him up on this website and found that he didn't use microscopes and used a double blade technique. After reading this forum, I chose Dr. Cooley. I sent Dr. Cooley photographs, did a phone consultation and showed up the day of the surgery. You can check out my weblog for details but I can honestly say I couldn't be happier with my decision to see Dr. Cooley. I'm having one of my associates take out my sutures and really the surgery was so clean there's no need for a post op session. I probably won't see Cooley until September when we'll schedule my next surgery. Ifloss Weblog
  3. I don't want to repeat everything that has already been said about this outstanding clinic, but what a fantastic experience!!!! Being a cosmetic dentist, I've very critical of what is promised and what is delivered. I can honestly say that they exceeded my expectations. Good news was that Dr.cooley said I have an additional 5000 grafts to play with in the future. I can't wait for these to grow in and schedule another procedure. It was 100% painless. They worked from 7:30 am until 9:00 pm. Dr. Cooley had to place between 80-90% himself. He sent his staff home at six and for the next three hours worked meticulously alone. I have to say that talking with him for three straight hours, I came to not only respect him as a physician and colleague, but as a decent down to earth human being as well. Believe me, I deal with health professionals every day, he's a rare find. The Valium's kicking in so I'll post the pictures of the exquisitely clean surgery this weekend in my photo album. Photo Album
  4. Mike, I'm wondering if you think I should have any problem driving home the next day - approx. 3 hours. Michael
  5. Mike, Glad to hear you had such a great experience. My procedure 2500 grafts is next Friday the 13th with Dr. Cooley. I'm really looking forward to it. I had scheduled with a surgeon in Raleigh for the same date, but cancelled it when I heard about Dr. Cooley on this website. Cant wait to see the pictures.
  6. Pat, Thank you for your thoughtful response. The 21 year old versus 36 year old photos are very dramatic and "life isn't fair" does come to mind. But I have to tell you that although I've lost my hair, the blessings I HAVE recieved makes me think that "life isn't fair as well. At 21, I was alone, unemployed, poor, drunk, and miserable. At 36, I am happily married to a wonderful woman (who knew me when I had hair), I have three children - awaiting a fourth, own two dental practices, confident, wealthy and successful from earthly standards, and I have a wonderful family - so I agree life isn't fair - I've been blessed beyond my wildest dreams. By the way I'm bald -doesn't seem so bad. This is a hair restoration site, so hair is the most important thing here, but let us not forget ALL the important things in life.
  7. Qwert, The regimen I'm using was suggested by Dr. Cooley. I failed to mention Nizoral Shampoo every day. My impression was that this would help me maintain what I have. You seem pretty definitive about your reccomendations, are you a physician? Is there research to support the reccomendations you are suggesting? This is an honest question from someone who's just trying to learn.
  8. I am only going to my ears as well. I'll see how it goes and will do a second procedure as well. Dr. Cooley said it would taper to the crown area, not a drastic line. I'm really looking forward to it.
  9. Telephone, I just started 1 mg Prpecia every other day and Rogaine daily. I'm already scheduled with Dr. Cooley on Jan.13 for 2500-3000 grafts. I plan on a couple of sessions if donor hair is sufficient. Gorpy, I'm with you on the realistic expectations. I'd just like some coverage. I'd love to have to use a hair dryer again.
  10. I've finally decided to do it. I miss my hair. I never thought it would bother me and ignored the hair loss. The last 15 years is a blur and I feel like I've just realized I'm bald. I bathe my 2 year olds (triplets) every night and am amazed how thick their hair is. It really made me miss the hair hairdressers used to love to run their fingers through. I posted pictures in the photo album section and would love input if my goals are realistic. Photo Album
  11. These are my preop pictures. The closeup where I was 21 years old is when I started losing hair. I can't believe I had so much hair. Realistically, I don't expect to get back to there. The picture in the suit when I was 31 is where I hope to get to. I am now 36 years old. Do you think that is realistic to get back to my 31 year old picture?
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