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2 months on



well roughly 2 months...minus a week.

just an update, seems i'm starting to get some growth, seems a combination of the implanted hairs that never really shed are growing and am getting the odd pimple/spot on my head which i believe could be hairs coming through, i still have slight redness in the donor area and the head numbness is getting less and less...slowly. i still feel very tender all over my head, not just the donor area but parts of my head that was not touched during proedure, slight knocks and bangs seem to hurt more than it would prior to the procedure. I also seem to have lost contact with my doctor who did the procedure which is slighly dissapoionting, no return emails etc. i have only asked a few questions regarding aftercare etc and a copy of the photos that were taken during the surgery and gettng no response whatsoever...was so friendly and responsive pre and during surgery but afterwards theres nothing...pretty unhappy about that.

Anyway attached updated pics. you can see at the front centre there is a patch that is growing a lot quicker as that area was shaved back prior to surgery,. sorry quality not the best but using front facing camera on iphone

Any feedback comments all appreciated.



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Thank you for keeping us updated.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

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Dr Radha from India. As mentioned pre op and during I cannot fault her work and patient care. But after the statures removed and back in my country I've had no response and no reply from emails etc.  

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