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Day 93 - three months on



I'm at the three month point now, and I'm hoping I'll start to see some regrowth happening soon, based on other people's experiences. As you do, I still scan my scalp each day for any new developments. Here's a summary of what I'm seeing, and what I'm thinking:

1. Plenty of spots still, caused presumably by new hairs. But if that's the case, why are the new hairs not subsequently pushing through and growing out? Also, a few of the spots have left little scars which are taking a while to fade. Can that cause problems for the implanted hairs? (I'm not popping the spots unless they become really noticeable, and then only with a sterilised needle.)

2. I'm applying plenty of Bactroban cream to the scalp, but it doesn't really stop the spots. Early on I applied it fairly gently, now I'm a bit more vigorous. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

3. There are a few fine hairs coming through in the recipient area, but I'm not sure if these are hairs lost from shock loss coming back, or new hairs from the transplants?

4. Quite a few transplants, particularly on the left temple, have still not fallen out. Does that mean those transplanted hairs haven't bedded in successfully?

5. The scar is now completely covered, even with my hair cut pretty short. The barber had a job to find it the other day.

I appreciate from reading other blogs that recovery from an HT is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, till you start to see decent results. I'm not there yet. I think that in about another month, my hair will look fairly similar to the way it did pre op, even if there's not much regrowth from the implants by then. (I think Falceros advises avoiding social engagements other than with close friends and family for four months, and that will be pretty much the way it's going to be for me.)

Here are the latest photos.



Front Left









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Hi Albilon71! I have heard you had your HT done in Turkey, may I ask which clinic and if you're satisfied with it? Thanks.

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Hi Friscoman,


Transmed carried out the surgery - too early to tell if I'm happy, but the scar healing so well is a good sign...

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Hi, I was reading your blog and wanted to respond to you. I understand your concern. I once went through the same concern, but now I keep the pimples (spots) under control by using a sea salt bath. You can get this at any beauty shop or cosmetic store. For some reason, the salt from the sea heals the spots and makes the scars go away. I discovered this during a vacation trip in Mexico when I went swimming in the ocean. So I would recommend using the sea salt bath twice a day and with in just a few days you will see the spots go away. But of course, this stuff doesn't prevent them from coming back, but that's only due to the the pimples are caused from in-grown hairs from the transplants.

BTW... I'm 5 months POST-OP from my procedure. The hairs in the back are growing significantly as well as in the front, but the front only started growing out once I started using Rogaine. So if you are not seeing the hairs growing out significantly, then try using Rogaine and this might help stimulate the hair growth. I know it is said that Rogaine only works in the back, but I found out that there are a small percentage out there that Rogaine also works in the front and when I started using it in the front, the transplants started growing out. I suspect that the Rogaine was helping to stop the DHT in the front area allowing the transplants to grow out easier without trying to over come the DHT attack in the front area. (Just my thought of why Rogaine worked in the front)

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Bcruz1973 - thanks for your message.


The pimples aren't too bad now - 5.5 months - though I was hoping for more regrowth.


I tried Regaine once before, but didn't like it - found it seemed to stop working after about six months - and it made my beard and eyebrows very coarse.


Are you sure the regrowth your getting is due to Regaine - or is it the hairs coming through of their own accord? That's the sort of time you're supposed to see most regrowth.

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