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MARAL HAIR CLINIC Istanbul Experience



I wanted to share my experience on my recent FUE operation which took place on the 29th of January 2013 ....over the last five years I noticed that my crown area and the top of head where I has hair had at first started becoming thin then eventually was just a few sparse hairs ....I had looked at the options I had a few years ago but didn't like the thought of having a strip out of the back of my head which was the favoured format FUT ....last year around Christmas I decided to take some snaps of my hairline and crown areas and sent them to a few clinics based around London (Harley Street). The quotes that came back disheartened me as the cheapest was around £7500 for about 1800 grafts and I was told then that I would probably need to return a year later for another transplant with roughly the same amount of grafts again... It wasn't what I wanted to hear so I started looking abroad... Being Mediterranean my first choices of country's were Greece and Turkey...after sending my pics to about 20different clinics I received various quotes ranging from £1200 upto £3000 ...I choose a clinic called the Maral hair Clinic which was based in Istanbul, the package included my accommodation all transfers and any medication I would need after the operation ...I was really pleased with the way they looked after me from the time they picked me up from the airport right through to dropping me back to the airport,the hotel was good the doctor and all his staff were understanding of my requirements and I couldn't fault the whole experience I had a total of 3550 grafts transplanted across approximately 8-9hours with a brak for lunch I stayed in Istanbul for for 4 nights in total and returned to London on the 1st of February I am now at day 18 after the operation and things are really going great most of the transplanted hair seems to have settled ....the scabs went away after about 10 days and most of the transplant hair has still remained on my head with only a few dropping out ....I am still waiting for the transplanted hair to drop completely but have been told that some people are very lucky and it does not occur... I have had some itching in the donor area but that was taken care of with some moisturising lotion ... I would recommend this clinic as from start to end everything went well , most of us in the UK tend to stay away from the medical tourism thing because we don't know what to expect my decision was influenced by the doctors clear emails and his understanding of what I wanted and I was convinced with my decision by talking to UK43 who had his operation in late December 2012...it was great to confirm with him that I had made the right choice going with the Maral Hair Clinic and speaking with him gave me that reassurance that I had the guts to go through with it.


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  • Regular Member

Good to hear you were well looked after. For your benefit and all the readers here we would really like to see pictures, monthly if you like, of your progress. There are a lot of UK HT curious men who look to our experiences (I`ve had an FUT and and FUE) and pictures add real meaning to your words. Anyway, is good to see you posting here. And be patient and look after your newly transplanted hair as I am sure you will.

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  • Senior Member



Congratulations! Thank you for keeping us updated.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator

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  • Senior Member

Yes any pics? Do you know if that Dr can transplant hairs to the temple points above the ears?

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Do you have anymore updates on your H/T. I am thinking of going to Maral Klinic but I am unsure what to do. Does Dr Marals assistants do all the work? I would appreciate any update and info you could give me.



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