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March 2nd 2011 - Post Day 5



Post Day 5 and no real pain at all. The donor site stings a little on occasion, but the pain meds sort that out pretty fast. Sleeping is more awkward now than painful, can't wait for the staples to be removed on Monday!

Last night I shaved off all my hair! I was so sick of it looking ridiculous being all different lengths, and had always wondered what it would look like so just went for it. Afterwards I was pleasantly surprised as I thought it looked quite cool lol,... other than the Frankenstein staples though! I had visions of looking like a potato, but it really wasn't so bad. I'll post some pics if I can get them off of my phone. I sent them to a friend of mine who said she thought it really suited me (not the Frankenstein look, the shaved head look lol). Who knows, maybe I'll not care about the crown once the front grows in,......ah who am I trying to kid!

I'm still in NY and have done a fair amount of travelling around since I'm bored of sitting in the hotel room all the time. I've been by train into Manhattan and various shopping malls. All good except now I may need to buy another case to get it all home!

I think I'm healing very well. I'm washing the hair daily all over, and even soaked the donor area in the bath last night and washed it gently with a sponge. I also started putting aloe vera and witch hazel gel on the donor area to help it heal. It stings a little, but in a good way so I know it's doing it's thing. I can see my native hair growing back which adds to the density of the grafts really nicely. I just wish it didn't have to fall out before it all comes back again! I'm prepared though....

Ok, now to try and sort out the pics.


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  • Regular Member

Hey Dan,

I just read your posts, and I'm interested in your progress because I too had a HT on Feb 25th. I had a 1,000 FUE procedure to my hairline. So far so good, not that I would know if anything had gone wrong because this is my first time through this. Today is Day 8 and the redness is decreasing in the hairline and scabs are building. Have you started to rub your grafts? I've been very gentle thus far and avoiding touching them, should I get more aggressive and start trying to remove the scabs. Would you know?


We'll good luck and look forward to keeping up with you and your progress.



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  • Senior Member

Hey Kevin :)


Thanks for your comment, I'm glad at least someone is reading my ramble as it makes it worthwhile lol!


I went to Dr. Feller, and the aftercare recommended that up to Day 3, you just tip water and shampoo over the grafts. Since Day 4 I have been gently massaging the grafts and trying to keep the donor area completely clean. Probably best to ask your Dr., but my guess would be (and Dr. Feller's guidance to me) was that you should gentley massage them to help the scabs fall off, but DO NOT pick at them or try to remove them with your fingernails or anything. I'm not worrying too much about whether the scabs are there or not, and just accepting that massaging will help a few to fall off and the rest will come when they are ready.


Most of my redness has gone now, just these damn staples are irritating me and I can't wait till they come out on Monday!


Good luck to you too mate,


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