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northernslaphead Stats FUE with Dr. Lorenzo...

These are the stats some of you have been asking for from my FUE with Dr. Lorenzo last week: Total FU’s: 2701 Hairs. 7052 Hair per graft: 2.61 singles: 7% FU's>2: 93% FU1: 175 FU2: 980 FU3: 1257 FU4: 284 Punch: 0.8 and 0.9 Hair texture. 56 microns.  



Dr Lorenzo final day 2 OP...

Day 2 operation.....The next morning it was back in at 7.45am, breakfast at Maccy D's again and head washed by the assistant. They were all very welcoming and chatty and we shared some jokes before Dr. Lorenzo arrived and quickly got started on the extractions of 1000 follicals. Today was to be a shorter day thank god!:-) they started with the seated position extractions first again then moved back to the traditional lying face down. It seemed that lorenzo had set his staff a target to go longer



Dr Lorenzo Day 1 OP and pre-op woes...

OK im trying to help people like me as much as possible with a detailed account of my personal FUE experience, the good, the bad and the ugly so get your cuppa at the ready. If you want to read my hairloss story then its in my previous post. Night before/day before......it was a busy day on-site photographing today (im an interior designer and photographer) so it kept my mind off of things. On the night i felt quite a bit more nervous worrying if i was doing the right thing: what if it we



Northernslapheads hairloss & FUE Dr Lorenzo...

Ok so here goes. I started receding at the frontal area at around 31 years old. Today writing this Ive now just turned 39. My hair had always been my pride and joy, my lions mane! When i was younger i had the footballers curtains, the perm (yes the short perm!), the long hair then the spiky hair...pretty much everything bar the thug head (crew cut/buzz cut) and now my hair line was beggining to corrode back slowly like the white cliffs of dover! I still loved the way my hair was styled



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