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Dr Arocha 2070 grafts 12/10/08


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I had my HT done by Dr Arocha. I have diffuse thinning but as you can tell by my blog, the frontal area is much thinner than the middle and crown. My game plan is to get the hairline and frontal area about on even terms with the rest of the top of my head and then do a second larger session later to get as much density as possible all over. I'm in a business where long thick hair is an asset (not to mention my head is under a spotlight quite a bit) and keeping in mind the limitations of HT, Dr Archoa and I have planned accordingly to get back the fullest head of hair that is realistically attainable.


The surgery went well. I experienced no pain. Dr Arocha and his staff was very conscious about asking me how I felt throughout the surgery. Everything happened as Dr Archoa said it would. I came back the next day and they shampooed my hair. Ten days later they removed the sutures. I have monthly follow-ups scheduled. Dr Arocha is very interested in seeing his patients follow-up with him, which I appreciate.


Overall, a great experience and I'm looking forward to the results. Feel free to leave leave a reply or PM me if you have any questions about my progress, my experience or anything else that I may have left out here or on my blog.


My HT Blog with Dr Arocha

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Congratulations on choosing a fine surgeon to perform your hair transplant. I agree with Eman that the work looks nice and clean.


I hope you'll keep your blog updated with monthly photos so we can follow your progress. Like wantego indicated, there's nothing like following a patient's progress to evaluate a surgeon and gain an understanding of the various stages patients go through.


Happy healing, growing, and hairy holidays!



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Thank Eman, guys, yeah I guess having curly hair is also in my favor in that curly hair makes for a good come-over until the new hair matures. icon_smile.gif


Just want to add, I can't say enough about planning and preparation to guys out there that are still considering the HT procedure. I worked it so that I could have enough time off of work and had plenty of time to choose and question doctors and pick the right one for me. I actually moved a couple weeks before the surgery (nobody in my new neighborhood yet knows me so they have no idea what my hair looks/looked like - I had the moved planned months in advance and was able to coordinate it with the HT which was a lucky but good move), I was also able to save some money and tell no one except one close friend about the HT.


I understand that not everyone will have every luxury, but my advice to anyone planning an HT is work to get as many things in your favor as possible and you will be in position to have a seamless procedure, a manageable and comfortable recovery and on top of that, no one will have to know about any of it if you so desire.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Just an update. It's been 5 weeks. Scar looks great. Everything has healed. I've kept quite a few of my HT hairs. Dr Arocha and his staff are great to work with and talk to. I highly recommend that anyone looking for a doctor to give him a call. I spoke with many doctors before choosing Dr Arocha and I'm so happy I chose him. He's a friendly down to earth normal no BS guy and he did excellent work for me. I plan on going back later this year for a second procedure.


One thing I'm very happy about is that I tried to talk him into putting more hairs in the forelock area and he said no that I would need some in the temples because it would be uneven with the sides of my hair and he was right! That shows honesty and he had my best interest in mind.


Dr Arocha will tell it like it is and I'm just here to say I'm very happy with him, his staff and his work.


I know he's a newer member to the network but he did great work for me.


I see some posts that question his photography skills. He did get a new camera and his new photos are clear and from my experience he's not trying to pull a fast one on anybody. I have seen none of that.


I encourage any of you that have questions to call him directly. He never talked to me like a salesman and I really appreciated that.

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