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When is careful TOO careful?

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Hey Guys,


Its been 21 days since my transplant.


I started to shed around day 10, I would say I now have maybe 60% or more of the transplanted hairs remaining.


I have noticed while in the shower during washing of the receipt area that if I massage lightly some hairs come out easily.


I am now showering with warm water but nowhere near as hot as pre-op, I am still covering the reciept area with my hand to avoid high pressure from the shower hitting it, I am still washing with baby shampoo and using a patting motion on the grafts rather then a rubbing one and when drying I am still using the hair dryer on a cool setting and covering the grafts with my hand to avoid the hairs coming into contact with the air flow.


My question is am I being too careful? and can being too careful be detrimental to growth? (maybe slowing down the healing/growth process)


If I start to massage during washing I feel all my transplanted hairs will be gone in a few days will this speed up matters or is it best to carry on how I am and just let the hairs sit there?


Sorry for the long post

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  • Senior Member

Hey Guys,


Its been 21 days since my transplant.


I started to shed around day 10, I would say I now have maybe 60% or more of the transplanted hairs remaining.


I have noticed while in the shower during washing of the receipt area that if I massage lightly some hairs come out easily.


I am now showering with warm water but nowhere near as hot as pre-op, I am still covering the reciept area with my hand to avoid high pressure from the shower hitting it, I am still washing with baby shampoo and using a patting motion on the grafts rather then a rubbing one and when drying I am still using the hair dryer on a cool setting and covering the grafts with my hand to avoid the hairs coming into contact with the air flow.


My question is am I being too careful? and can being too careful be detrimental to growth? (maybe slowing down the healing/growth process)


If I start to massage during washing I feel all my transplanted hairs will be gone in a few days will this speed up matters or is it best to carry on how I am and just let the hairs sit there?


Sorry for the long post

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I did what you are doing for first 10 days---4 showers on day after and 2 showers the other days. I started gently massaging around day 10/11. I would think/hope by day 21 everything is set and you can treat as own hair. Dr. Bernstein's instructions at end of week two included - The grafts are permanently in place and cannot be dislodged. The transplanted hair begins to be shed. Patients may return to normal shampooing, brushing and combing and may get haircuts. I am starting to think that we tend to be more conservative than we have to be.

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Hey New2thissite,


Yeah I also think I'm being to cautious, I just don't want to pull out hairs that would normally still be in place if not for me being rougher with the area.


Then on the other hand I don't want to leave the hairs in place by being to careful if its going slow things down lol.


If the hairs came out on there own like alot have already thats fine but alot of the hairs that are left will either stay in place or come out depending on how I wash my hair, so I'm really not sure what do for the best.

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Yeah m8 I was just joking on about "out they come"


I will just stop being so cautious now.


I went with Dr. Pathomvanich Bangkok.


Yeah its in the docs instructions I can wash as normal after 10 days but like to play it safe lol.

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