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women and hair transplants

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Posted January 08, 2007 09:08 AM Hide Post

i am a woman in my late 50's who experienced increasing male pattern baldness as i got older. I know what you mean, it is horrifying--as a woman we don't expect this. I hid it with bangs and tried to ignore it and one day I decided to take a close look, then i went to the internet and started to research.


a year ago I had 1600 fui's implanted and lowered my original hairline as well. I covered it as i always had--I didn't have any shock loss and some of the implanted hair never fell out but continued to grow. I tried not to pay too much attention while it grew in--I would have gotten obsessed--but it looked very good. Dr. True is a great doctor and I think his team is wonderful as well. Anyway, after a year, i saw that the implanted region in the front was not as dense as I would have liked so I just went back and last week had 500 more put in. This time the swelling, redness, etc. was just about nil. Even though i still have some crusts I can hide them.


I just want to say that from what i understand that only about 20% of women are eligible for transplants becuase most women have diffuse thinning throughout thier entire heads and men have limited baldness to the top or front which leaves a good donor base in the back of the hea which is not genetically programmed to fall out. That is for a doctor to decide.


I think i had no choise but to grit my teeth and just go foward with the procedure--either that, or resort to a wig which I had no intention of doing. I am very pleased with the results and would recommend it for any woman facing a receding hairline. It is a very painful, traumatic, shaming experience--I can fully understand all the feelings because I have felt them. However, if you can do the procedure and try to ignore the next few months then it is well worth the time and investment.

Posts: 9 | Registered: January 10

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  • Regular Member

Posted January 08, 2007 09:08 AM Hide Post

i am a woman in my late 50's who experienced increasing male pattern baldness as i got older. I know what you mean, it is horrifying--as a woman we don't expect this. I hid it with bangs and tried to ignore it and one day I decided to take a close look, then i went to the internet and started to research.


a year ago I had 1600 fui's implanted and lowered my original hairline as well. I covered it as i always had--I didn't have any shock loss and some of the implanted hair never fell out but continued to grow. I tried not to pay too much attention while it grew in--I would have gotten obsessed--but it looked very good. Dr. True is a great doctor and I think his team is wonderful as well. Anyway, after a year, i saw that the implanted region in the front was not as dense as I would have liked so I just went back and last week had 500 more put in. This time the swelling, redness, etc. was just about nil. Even though i still have some crusts I can hide them.


I just want to say that from what i understand that only about 20% of women are eligible for transplants becuase most women have diffuse thinning throughout thier entire heads and men have limited baldness to the top or front which leaves a good donor base in the back of the hea which is not genetically programmed to fall out. That is for a doctor to decide.


I think i had no choise but to grit my teeth and just go foward with the procedure--either that, or resort to a wig which I had no intention of doing. I am very pleased with the results and would recommend it for any woman facing a receding hairline. It is a very painful, traumatic, shaming experience--I can fully understand all the feelings because I have felt them. However, if you can do the procedure and try to ignore the next few months then it is well worth the time and investment.

Posts: 9 | Registered: January 10

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