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Everything posted by mishmash

  1. Posted January 08, 2007 09:08 AM Hide Post i am a woman in my late 50's who experienced increasing male pattern baldness as i got older. I know what you mean, it is horrifying--as a woman we don't expect this. I hid it with bangs and tried to ignore it and one day I decided to take a close look, then i went to the internet and started to research. a year ago I had 1600 fui's implanted and lowered my original hairline as well. I covered it as i always had--I didn't have any shock loss and some of the implanted hair never fell out but continued to grow. I tried not to pay too much attention while it grew in--I would have gotten obsessed--but it looked very good. Dr. True is a great doctor and I think his team is wonderful as well. Anyway, after a year, i saw that the implanted region in the front was not as dense as I would have liked so I just went back and last week had 500 more put in. This time the swelling, redness, etc. was just about nil. Even though i still have some crusts I can hide them. I just want to say that from what i understand that only about 20% of women are eligible for transplants becuase most women have diffuse thinning throughout thier entire heads and men have limited baldness to the top or front which leaves a good donor base in the back of the hea which is not genetically programmed to fall out. That is for a doctor to decide. I think i had no choise but to grit my teeth and just go foward with the procedure--either that, or resort to a wig which I had no intention of doing. I am very pleased with the results and would recommend it for any woman facing a receding hairline. It is a very painful, traumatic, shaming experience--I can fully understand all the feelings because I have felt them. However, if you can do the procedure and try to ignore the next few months then it is well worth the time and investment. Posts: 9 | Registered: January 10
  2. Posted January 08, 2007 09:08 AM Hide Post i am a woman in my late 50's who experienced increasing male pattern baldness as i got older. I know what you mean, it is horrifying--as a woman we don't expect this. I hid it with bangs and tried to ignore it and one day I decided to take a close look, then i went to the internet and started to research. a year ago I had 1600 fui's implanted and lowered my original hairline as well. I covered it as i always had--I didn't have any shock loss and some of the implanted hair never fell out but continued to grow. I tried not to pay too much attention while it grew in--I would have gotten obsessed--but it looked very good. Dr. True is a great doctor and I think his team is wonderful as well. Anyway, after a year, i saw that the implanted region in the front was not as dense as I would have liked so I just went back and last week had 500 more put in. This time the swelling, redness, etc. was just about nil. Even though i still have some crusts I can hide them. I just want to say that from what i understand that only about 20% of women are eligible for transplants becuase most women have diffuse thinning throughout thier entire heads and men have limited baldness to the top or front which leaves a good donor base in the back of the hea which is not genetically programmed to fall out. That is for a doctor to decide. I think i had no choise but to grit my teeth and just go foward with the procedure--either that, or resort to a wig which I had no intention of doing. I am very pleased with the results and would recommend it for any woman facing a receding hairline. It is a very painful, traumatic, shaming experience--I can fully understand all the feelings because I have felt them. However, if you can do the procedure and try to ignore the next few months then it is well worth the time and investment. Posts: 9 | Registered: January 10
  3. i am a woman in my late 50's who experienced increasing male pattern baldness as i got older. I know what you mean, it is horrifying--as a woman we don't expect this. I hid it with bangs and tried to ignore it and one day I decided to take a close look, then i went to the internet and started to research. a year ago I had 1600 fui's implanted and lowered my original hairline as well. I covered it as i always had--I didn't have any shock loss and some of the implanted hair never fell out but continued to grow. I tried not to pay too much attention while it grew in--I would have gotten obsessed--but it looked very good. Dr. True is a great doctor and I think his team is wonderful as well. Anyway, after a year, i saw that the implanted region in the front was not as dense as I would have liked so I just went back and last week had 500 more put in. This time the swelling, redness, etc. was just about nil. Even though i still have some crusts I can hide them. I just want to say that from what i understand that only about 20% of women are eligible for transplants becuase most women have diffuse thinning throughout thier entire heads and men have limited baldness to the top or front which leaves a good donor base in the back of the hea which is not genetically programmed to fall out. That is for a doctor to decide. I think i had no choise but to grit my teeth and just go foward with the procedure--either that, or resort to a wig which I had no intention of doing. I am very pleased with the results and would recommend it for any woman facing a receding hairline. It is a very painful, traumatic, shaming experience--I can fully understand all the feelings because I have felt them. However, if you can do the procedure and try to ignore the next few months then it is well worth the time and investment.
  4. Posted November 15, 2006 09:32 AM Hide Post i had 1600 fue's put in around my temples and front hairline 10.5 months ago. The temples grew in frizzy and my doctor told me it could take a few years for the hair to normalize. The hair on the front hairline grew in with small spaces in between each hair so it looks fake and the hairline is too even. I went back to the doctor and he told me I should have 200 to 300 more put in--I am planning to do that exactly one year from the 1st procedure. I am wondering about shock loss to the hairs that were transplanted a year ago, and whether a small procedure is easy to hide since there is more hair there now. Is a 2nd procedure with a small amount of fui's a big deal? I am just trying to get a feel here.
  5. Posted November 15, 2006 09:32 AM Hide Post i had 1600 fue's put in around my temples and front hairline 10.5 months ago. The temples grew in frizzy and my doctor told me it could take a few years for the hair to normalize. The hair on the front hairline grew in with small spaces in between each hair so it looks fake and the hairline is too even. I went back to the doctor and he told me I should have 200 to 300 more put in--I am planning to do that exactly one year from the 1st procedure. I am wondering about shock loss to the hairs that were transplanted a year ago, and whether a small procedure is easy to hide since there is more hair there now. Is a 2nd procedure with a small amount of fui's a big deal? I am just trying to get a feel here.
  6. i just read your post--I am a woman who had 1600 ht last January with Dr. True--I had male pattern baldness in the temples and along my hairline. I am going back to Dr. True to fill in some areas in the hairline for a thicker look --this time 200 to 300. I think he is very good and honest. It was traumatic to even need the procedure in the 1st place--I mean, this isn't supposed to happen to women is it? I just shut my eyes and went for it--I have told 3 people and no one has ever noticed. It is an ordeal, though. For the 1st month I stayed undercover --my head swelled up --I wore headbands and scarves. I tried to ignore it and not pay too much attention when it was growing in --and when i got disheartened I would think of the alternative and that always got me back on the right path. This time (from what I have read and from my consultation with Dr. True) it will be alot easier. It is all worth it, believe me. You just have to bite the bullet, get it done, endure some unpleasant side effects, try not to obsess and you will finally see the resuls and it is well worth it! Now, I see women everywhere who are losing their hair--and now I realize I was lucky--if this had to happen to me then it was better not to have diffuse thinning so i could be a candidate for this procedure.
  7. i had 1600 fue's put in around my temples and front hairline 10.5 months ago. The temples grew in frizzy as well. The front is good but the hairline is a bit sparse. The doctor recommended another 200-300 put in that area in a 2nd procedure--he recommended waiting a year to 18 months fromt the first. I had hoped i wouldn't ever have to go thru this again--so i am trying to get a feel for what a much smaller operation will do--how i can hide it-whether there is shock loss from the 1st transplant etc. Can anyone sort of give me a guide to what i can expect? thanks
  8. Dear Islandgirl--I am also a woman and had a ht on Jan 2 of this year. I had 1600 fut's around my hairline and can hide it with my hair--although i wear hats when I know the wind is going to blow! I was self conscious about this when i lost my hair and, of course, still feel that way. I can feel hair coming in but i have a small totally bald spot left that I hope fills in. I would like someone to tell me how to get rid of the redness that still exists in the transplanted area--how long does that take to go away?
  9. thanks for the suggestion--i will see my doctor in a few days and will ask. also, do you know the best way to reduce redness in the transplant site?
  10. i am a woman who had 1600 fut transplants just over a week ago. I am interested in any information that will help me prevent "shock loss"---
  11. i am a woman who had 1600 fut transplants just over a week ago. I am interested in any information that will help me prevent "shock loss"---
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