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propecia for 18


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I have been receeding since the age of 16. It not the end of the world yet but it could be in a few years. Do you think that 18 is too young to start propecia considering its possible current and long term side effects?

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  • Senior Member

I have been receeding since the age of 16. It not the end of the world yet but it could be in a few years. Do you think that 18 is too young to start propecia considering its possible current and long term side effects?

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  • Senior Member

Hey Giants,


Hmmm... at 18 you can get Propecia prescribed for MPB. Long term side effects are unknown at this point in time; however, most people who experience side effects report them to be temporary. This is a controversial topic. I can only speak from my personal experience: started taking Propecia at 23 (2 years ago) and never had one problem. Others are not so fortunate. The only thing I would recommend is speaking to a couple of doctors, maybe a good dermatologist who can assess your hair loss and your primary care physician. It would be easy to say, "Oh, well the doctor will know", but apparently some doctors disagree over the safety of finasteride (although I haven't seen any of this). I know that all of the Coalition doctors prescribe it, and I find that pretty compelling. Whether or not they prescribe it for every 18 year old is another story. I think it needs to be looked at case by case. All you can do is educate yourself, speak with a few doctors (whom you trust), and make your own judgment call on whether or not you think the potential benefits outweigh the risks. Good luck!



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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  • Senior Member

I just feel like theres a change that i may be at a high risk of getting side-effects beacuse of my age. I also feel that there are many doctors and dermotologists that perscibe it without much thought so i dont know how seriously i can take them

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Well, if your gut is telling you not to take it, then trust your instincts. You don't seem to be posting here simply for for blind reassurance, which we all can respect. I really do think that the silent majority of Propecia users don't experience problems with the drug. We who take it and are fine tend to encourage people to consider the drug more, and of course those who have had problems with it are naturally going to be more outspoken in an effort to protect other people from side effects. Neither side has malicious intentions; it's all based on personal experience. But again, if you are worried and just get a bad feeling about it, then trust your own judgment and don't take it.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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  • Senior Member

Patience young grasshopper,

I began loosing it around 19-20 myself. First wait be patient make sure its not just your natural maturing hairline, I know i know it sucks but if I were you I would wait a couple of...yes, years. Like young Success said if your instinct is telling you not or to wait then trust me follow that little voice inside of you, and that goes for more than just your hair, wow thats some ddep stuff. Anyways bud get a few different docs opinions and follow that voice. You ll get a ton of good advice here.

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  • Senior Member

I used to have a straight across hairline in 7th grade. I noticed my hairline recceding my sophmore year. I am now a senior in high school. My hair has always been thin but i am not thinning just receeding. It slowly gets worse.Iv been taking rogaine for about a year and nizoral for about two weeks. I just dont want it to be a situation where i wish i that i would have gotten on propecia sooner.

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Between a rock and a hard place. I know that feeling you don't want to look back in your life and say "I wish" or what if.... Please take time to research your choice. You might not want to hear it but i suggest you still wait a couple of years, because what if you did wanted to take the next step and go ahead with a HT. By you being on propecia for so long who knows how accurate the doctors analysis of you could be. I could be wrong but please what ever you do, research it and get doctors views on it... I wish I could help you more.

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  • Senior Member

i appreciate the responses. Iv done my fair share of research. I have a sibling who is on propecia and it has worked great for him. If i decide to do it, it will greatly redude my hair loss anxiety. I may just decide to start on a low dose.

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  • Senior Member

Giant, I hope you got the info you needed. I need to know if anyone can tell me ASAP where I can locate some Copper Peptide spray to possibly help with the redness after my HT. I am willing to order online or in a store.

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yes I ordered some gentle copper peptide shampoo/conditioner from them to use after 5 days post-op, which I liked. However I did not order their spray. My HT doctor gave a custom post-op spray for me to use that contained copper peptides.





Perhaps what you can do first is to ask a doctor/dermatologist to check for miniturization in the frontal area where you are receding every 6 months or so. That should give some sort of an indicator of the severity of your hairloss and its rate.

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