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The Keyboard is Mightier than the Sword


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  • Senior Member

As a reader of this and other hair restoration forums and the internet as a whole, I am constantly reminded and astounded at the rapid rate of the exchange of information that occurs with just the click of the "Enter" button.


Just today, on these very forums, a prominent hair restoration physician came under attack by a disgruntled patient. The patient made some inflammatory remarks about the outcome of his surgery. After he made his post and clicked his "Enter" key, his post went live, for the world to see, in the blink of an eye. I read the thread just moments after it was posted and was once again reminded of just how dangerous the written word can become if not wielded carefully.


Technology has blessed us all with a voice in which to share our ideas, experiences, and opinions. Any person perusing these forums can attest at the valuable influence that this phenomena has had on the hair loss industry. Any person that reads the forums for a little longer, digs a little deeper, can also attest to the possible damage that the written word, when not exerted carefully, can have. When someone decides to post a rash comment, with inflammatory language there is an inevitable snowball effect that occurs. The tone of the words used can annoy and even anger those who read it, who may in turn post back in the same manner. Another person reads that post, along with the original poster, and responds to it. The result can be a freight train of emotion nine pages long before an hour has passed. The real consequence is that none of the arguing solved anything and a new animosity is formed between two posters that, before the incident, could have learned a great deal from one another. Sides are chosen. Grudges are formed. The fabric of the once positive environment is torn.


When confronted with the allegations this poster made, the physician in question was bound by patient confidentiality laws that prevented him from being able to defend himself and his actions. Again, strong words come into play; this time they are the words of the law. The physician is torn between defending his livelihood and abiding by the laws that defend the patient's right to privacy. Ultimately and thankfully, this particular physician took the high road and worded his post carefully, but adamantly.


I do not wish to discuss this particular case in this thread. I am only using it as an example of how damaging the written word can be when used in haste. Had the poster given it a little thought instead of succumbing to the emotional turmoil that he experienced due to a "bad night" he may have not posted at all, leaving the issue within the confines of a private exchange between himself and the physician.


But this is not always the best solution either. Shouldn't other hair loss sufferers have the right to know if a physician is performing sub-par work? Of course we should! That is the very foundation of these forums. The idea of the internet is to share information and the backbone of this forum is to warn others of the perils of the industry while providing them with information so that they can make the best decision possible.


There is a happy medium, of course. In a sea of grey area, it is my opinion that the best life raft is one built of patience and good judgment. Had the poster presented his case in a tactful, concise manner perhaps he would have gotten a bit more sympathy for his plight; or at least the common courtesy of a more positive and responsive listening environment.


Again, this post is not meant to discuss the example that I used. I wanted to make public my plea to all posters to breathe before they type; to think of the possible consequences before striking that "Enter" key. I don't want to stifle the exchange of information in any way, shape, or form. I only want us to ensure the exchange is civil and positive in nature, even when the content many times is not.


Indeed, the keyboard is mightier than the sword. Like Jerry Springer says at the end of each episode, "Take care of one another out there."





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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