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Hi Folks - Need Help in Erie, PA


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Can anyone recommend a HT specialist in the Erie, PA, Cleveland, Ohio or Pittsburgh area?


I'm also open for traveling to Toronto (3 hr drive) or Buffalo, NY (1.5 hr drive). I had an unbelievable experience in Erie. I won't mention the clinic, but the consultant I spoke with pressured me like you wouldn't believe. All the horror stories I read here happened to me during the initial consultation. I knew it was time to leave when the consultant couldn't remember where the doctor (DO) went to medical school! I'm thinking I may have to travel out of town. I'm really nervous about all of this but determined to do it with support from my wife. I'm 34 - I've waited 10 years to do this. I'm now at the point where it's definately noticeable which causes me a little anxiety in public. I'm constantly in front of students as an Engineering Professor and in front of Industrial customers. Hair loss is affecting my confidence. One might argue this is more of a psychology problem but regardless, if it can be fixed why not do it?? I'll stop rambling. Sorry.... Great Forum!

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Can anyone recommend a HT specialist in the Erie, PA, Cleveland, Ohio or Pittsburgh area?


I'm also open for traveling to Toronto (3 hr drive) or Buffalo, NY (1.5 hr drive). I had an unbelievable experience in Erie. I won't mention the clinic, but the consultant I spoke with pressured me like you wouldn't believe. All the horror stories I read here happened to me during the initial consultation. I knew it was time to leave when the consultant couldn't remember where the doctor (DO) went to medical school! I'm thinking I may have to travel out of town. I'm really nervous about all of this but determined to do it with support from my wife. I'm 34 - I've waited 10 years to do this. I'm now at the point where it's definately noticeable which causes me a little anxiety in public. I'm constantly in front of students as an Engineering Professor and in front of Industrial customers. Hair loss is affecting my confidence. One might argue this is more of a psychology problem but regardless, if it can be fixed why not do it?? I'll stop rambling. Sorry.... Great Forum!

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This sort of question pops up pretty frequently around here and at the other forums. If I sound like a broken record, pardon me.

Know the ins and out of what you're getting into. Things like - once you start, you'll probably have to go back and get more later (when you lose more hair). After having work done on my hairline, I will look freakish if I dont get more work done to fill in behind it. Since you will have more than one surgery, what is financial aspect? Maybe 10, 15, or even 25k over a period of time. If you have a strip surgery, you will have a scar on the back of your head. You wont be able to shave it, and depending on the size, you might not be able to use the buzzer clippers. I'm not trying to talk you out of it, I just want you to see what you're getting into. It's not really a "do it once and forget about it" like the infomercials make it seem. Above all, if you do procede, FIND THE BEST POSSIBLE DOCTOR. If you make a bad choice, you will have to live with it for the rest of your life. Check out this forum, and www.hairlosshelp.com forum. Ask questions, take your time. Good luck and procede cautiously!


BTW- you can get excellent results. I just told a friend of mine that I had HT's (I've known him for 10 years) and he said he never would have guessed that I'd had work done!

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If I were you (and of course I'm not!) but if I were, I wouldn't think in terms of finding a physician who is physically proximate to where I lived. I think most regular posters to this site would agree that you really don't want to take any chances with HT surgery. So, I would consider ALL of the Canadian and U.S. physicians recommended and discussed on this site. And I would pick the one I liked the best regardless of where his or her office was located! In addition, you may save yourself some $$ by traveling. The Canadian exchange rate is very good right now and some docs give you a discount and "credit" against your bill if you travel from out of state.


You really don't want to pick a guy solely because he's close by.


Best of luck and let us all know what you decide to do? And oh yes, please try to relax and take your time. No point in rushing things. Better to make a good decision!

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Hey there. I had work done 4 1/2 years ago on my front hairline by Dr. Seager in Toronto and got perfect results.He was a bit more expensive ( he now charges $11,000 can or US$ 7200) but I wanted to get the hairline done as best as possible. Apparently he is very well respected in the community and has done corrective procedures for people who got botched jobs at cut rate clinics.Nobody ever noticed that I had a transplant because it grew back in evenly over the course of about one year. good luck

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