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Dr Rose - The LEdge Closure

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I have received several requests asking me about the results of the ledge closure technique and the method.

I have been using the closure technique for over a year and a half and the results have been excellent. I will try to post some more recent photos.

The technique is based on removing the epidermal layer of the skin with perhaps a small amount of dermis. The epidermis is removed from the lower edge of a strip harvesting incision.The width of the tissue removed is 1 follicular unit and the depth is about 1mm. A right angle ledge is created. The wound is then closed with a single layer of nylon suture.

Removing the edge and then closing the wound allows hair to grow through the resultant scar. This provides added camouflage.

Patients who have undergone the procedure are able to cut the hair very close and in instances could have a nearly shaved head.


Paul T. ROse, MD

813 259 9889

612 965 4247


Paul T. Rose, MD, JD

President ISHRS

Board of Trustees ISCLS


Dr. Paul Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dr. Rose,


Your ledge technique sounds like just what we've been waiting for. There's so many questions still about FUE. We know that strip excision works. It's just the scars can be a pain in the butt. Obviously surgeons have been able to achieve thinner scars over the years. But still, there is only so short you can go before it is noticeable. Are there any other docs out there using your technique or anything similar? As well, curious how long you thought a guy working construction should wait before he went back to work after a hair transplant? Making sure that there in no way would be any spreading of the scar or widening. Thanks for your time Dr. Rose.



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For anyone that didn't see the previous thread and associated photo of this exciting new technique, here is the photo and the link:





Dr Rose and the "ledge closure" technique





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
"ledge" technique be employed to improve/reduce old donor area scarring from previous proceedures?



Dr. Rose,


I am also interested in finding out if your "ledge" technique can be used to improve/reduce old donor area scarring from previous proceedures?


In the 90's I had (4) procedures with MHR here in Central Florida and I have a couple of nasty scars in the donor area that I would like to have repaired.


And while I am at it... I would also like to have some more work done on my hairline to give it a more natural and dense look.


Please advise...




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I noticed that you provided an e-mail in your last post. Did you ever get an answer to the repairs on old scars?


When I had my transplants at Dr. Rose's office in Tampa, he noticed a mass on the back of my head (donor area) and did not want to cut into it, so he used another area for donor hairs.

Later, I had the mass removed by a MD in Nashville. The scar he left was ok, but I got spoiled by how well Dr. Rose's work.

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I have an appointment with Dr. Rose to fix a wide scar from a previous doctor and do some work on the hairline. This would be my 3rd HT. I am really nervous of the scar possibly getting even bigger than it already is. Not sure if I should have it revised or have grafts placed into the scar. I guess I'll leave it up to the doctor to decide. Any suggestions?

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Dr Rose was my doc for my ht. 8 days post op i was totally healed, you will have to have some faith in him, and ask him those questions. he does chime in on this forum from time to time, or email him. I have read a million post on here before deciding to go forward with a ht, and one thing rose is known for is his almost invisible donor scar. I get my stiches out tommorrow and will let you know.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Originally posted by 02Rips:
"ledge" technique be employed to improve/reduce old donor area scarring from previous proceedures?



Dr. Rose,


I am also interested in finding out if your "ledge" technique can be used to improve/reduce old donor area scarring from previous proceedures?


In the 90's I had (4) procedures with MHR here in Central Florida and I have a couple of nasty scars in the donor area that I would like to have repaired.


And while I am at it... I would also like to have some more work done on my hairline to give it a more natural and dense look.


Please advise...








You may want to contact Dr. Rose via email or his virtual consultation form for more information as he does not always get a chance to check the forums.


email: paultrose@yahoo.com


Dr. Rose's virtual consultation form




Here is another photo showing Dr. Rose's ledge closure:







Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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