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Four Months Post Op : 5000 BHT By Dr Arvind


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I am enclosing my pictures that have been taken four months after my 5000 BHT. In the interim period, more than 80% of the hair was shed. Some of them have sprouted again and have grown slightly more than 1 cm. When I run my hand on my scalp, I can feel a lot more of them budding out. Even at this early stage, I feel that my front and side profiles have already improved considerably. For a NW 6+ like me, it is a very positive feeling.

The donor sites have healed considerably. The thigh and the arm areas are taking the longest time for the scarring to diminish. The arm pits were the fastest to heal.




I would like to thank all fellow netizens who have shown keen interest in my case and have given their valuable suggestions and encouragement. I will be posting my progress regularly on this site.


With Best Wishes

Top Shiny



700 BHT on 30 Sep 05 by Dr Arvind

5000 BHT from 05 to 09 Jul 06 by Dr Arvind

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Hello topshiny,


I for one am glad you posted these pictures and will be charting your progress here. There haven't been that many BHT cases...at least not many that I've seen start to finish, so it will be interesting to chart your progress and see how it goes. Of course, i wish you the best. I also know, however, that BHT is pretty controversial and great results have yet to be seen. Do you have any before pictures that you can display for us as well? I look forward to following your progress.



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TS, 4 months is very, very early but it seems to be progressing well. You should see a monthly improvement now for another 6-8 months. Exciting times. Best of luck.


You seem to have enough donor hair from those pics for a regular HT. Am I wrong?

Why did you choose the BHT?

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Dear Bill,

Thank you for your keen interest. I agree that there is not enough documentation available on BHT cases. I think it is partly because large scale BHTs have been attempted only recently.

It has been my sincere endeavour to regularly post updates for sharing my experiences with fellow bloggers. I have updated the Journal in My Blog. I had gone in for a test patch of 700 BHT last year. I am attaching the before and after 8 months pictures for your comment. I think a fair assessment of my progress can be done only after a couple of more months.




With Best Wishes

Top Shiny



700 BHT on 30 Sep 05 by Dr Arvind

5000 BHT from 05 to 09 Jul 06 by Dr Arvind

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Hello topshiny,


Your before/after photos of 700 grafts in the frontal area look superb for BHT. I can't tell by the picture exactly how much has grown, but I'd say that could be what approximately 700 grafts should look like. What percent would you say grew of the 700 grafts that were transplanted? What would you attribute to the success of this surgery? I ask because it seems like out of the few BHT cases that have been reported, there hasn't been great success. Well I definately hope that the 5000 BHTs are as high yielding.


Please keep us posted on your progress...I definately will be looking forward to charting this.



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Dear Brian,

Thanks for the encouraging words. I did a test patch of 700 BHT and the results were very encouraging. Strip is a strict no no, due to the scarring. FUE is surely an option.... But why deplete an already shrinking resource. The associated problem of shock loss will further reduce the hair on the scalp. So why not kill two birds with one stone---I get to remove unwanted hair simultaneously!

With Best Wishes

Top Shiny



700 BHT on 30 Sep 05 by Dr Arvind

5000 BHT from 05 to 09 Jul 06 by Dr Arvind

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Originally posted by Bill:

Hello topshiny,


Your before/after photos of 700 grafts in the frontal area look superb for BHT. I can't tell by the picture exactly how much has grown, but I'd say that could be what approximately 700 grafts should look like. What percent would you say grew of the 700 grafts that were transplanted? What would you attribute to the success of this surgery? I ask because it seems like out of the few BHT cases that have been reported, there hasn't been great success. Well I definately hope that the 5000 BHTs are as high yielding.


Please keep us posted on your progress...I definately will be looking forward to charting this.




Hello Bill,

I think that roughly 80% of the grafts survived in the case of 700 BHT. However, the bigger issue is the cycle of these hair, which is quite different from scalp hair. To overcome this problem, we resorted to the following:

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Single hair follicles were paired and then grafted. So even if one goes into sleep mode, the other may be growing.

<LI>Follicles from multiple donor locations were mixed and then grafted.

<LI>Donor areas other than the chest, esp the armpits, pubic area and abdomen had a higher proportion of two hair grafts.


I intend to undergo fortnighly HTs instead of one jumbo session in the near future. The aim is to transplant hair with diverse cycles and in different phases of their growth.

With Best Wishes

Top Shiny



700 BHT on 30 Sep 05 by Dr Arvind

5000 BHT from 05 to 09 Jul 06 by Dr Arvind

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