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Dr. Feinberg

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Can anyone please give me any advice about Dr. Feinberg in NJ? I am looking for a surgeon that will provide the most coverage as I'm sure everyone is. I recently saw pictures on this site of transplants done by Dr. Epstein in Fla from one session and this man has a full head of hair. Is this possible? He was very bald before according to the picture.


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Can anyone please give me any advice about Dr. Feinberg in NJ? I am looking for a surgeon that will provide the most coverage as I'm sure everyone is. I recently saw pictures on this site of transplants done by Dr. Epstein in Fla from one session and this man has a full head of hair. Is this possible? He was very bald before according to the picture.


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  • Senior Member

The ability of hair transplantation to provide a "full head of hair" is a subjective concept. Under the best circumstances they can create coverage so that one does not "look bald", especially through the front half of the scalp. However it is impossible to restore someone to a nonbalding state of volume and density simply because of the finite donor supply.


Also please understand that the appearance of photos, even those provided by ethical and top notch practitioners, can be influenced by many factors. These include lighting, angles, and the use of concealers (toppik, dermatch, etc). For example someone that looks like they have that full head of hair in a face on shot may very well still have a bald crown and/or be thin on top. The value of photos should only be one determinant in evaluating the proceedure or doctor.



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In the end its just a simple matter of mathematics. It comes down to the no of grafts you have to spead over the amount of balding area you need to cover.


An average non-balding head will have a density of 80-100 grafts cm2. A similar 'illusion of density' can be provided with just 45-50 grafts cm2. So with a 5000 megasession you can provide the appearance of a full head of hair if you only had 100-110 cm2 to cover.


So if you have a larger area to cover than you will have to make some compromises. For the best aesthetic result top doctors would normally provide a good density on your hairline of around 45cm2 and then will divvy up whats left for your crown so you might only get 25-30cm2 which will only provide a thinning coverage.


Other factors that will affect a patients overall aesthetic result is the contrast between hair and skin color (the lower the contrast the better), the length and thickness of their hair (the thicker the better).

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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