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World record in FUE history: 8.000 grafts are now being transplanted.


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The DHI FUE 8000 grafts case. Lee S. is the American who is well-known in the Internet forums and has researched the FUE technique for over 3 years. He has been consulted by the most FUE surgeons but he decided to opt for DHI in Athens.

Below is the DHI FUE protocol as decided with Lee yesterday.


1) Lee will receive and exceed perhaps 8.000 grafts. Approximately 5000 grafts will be from scalp hair and 3000 grafts from body hair.

2) 3 FUE surgeons will combine the efforts in this session.

3) 90% of the recipient site will be done by lateral slits.

4) Both the implanter and the forceps are being used.

5) Tomorrow we will place 2000 grafts in one day. This will be a world record so far as a world record is also the transplantation of 8000 grafts in the history of FUE hair restoration.

6) The session will be completed next week. Density will reach 62 grafts/cm2 in the frontal zone.


We have to mention that in each patient the FUE protocol is discussed in detail between the surgeon and the patient so as to decide together how they will proceed.


This is an important moment in the history of FUE. A new era has just began.





DHI Employee -



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  • Regular Member

The DHI FUE 8000 grafts case. Lee S. is the American who is well-known in the Internet forums and has researched the FUE technique for over 3 years. He has been consulted by the most FUE surgeons but he decided to opt for DHI in Athens.

Below is the DHI FUE protocol as decided with Lee yesterday.


1) Lee will receive and exceed perhaps 8.000 grafts. Approximately 5000 grafts will be from scalp hair and 3000 grafts from body hair.

2) 3 FUE surgeons will combine the efforts in this session.

3) 90% of the recipient site will be done by lateral slits.

4) Both the implanter and the forceps are being used.

5) Tomorrow we will place 2000 grafts in one day. This will be a world record so far as a world record is also the transplantation of 8000 grafts in the history of FUE hair restoration.

6) The session will be completed next week. Density will reach 62 grafts/cm2 in the frontal zone.


We have to mention that in each patient the FUE protocol is discussed in detail between the surgeon and the patient so as to decide together how they will proceed.


This is an important moment in the history of FUE. A new era has just began.





DHI Employee -



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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> This is an important moment in the history of FUE. A new era has just began.



lol...a new era is right...it will be the first time in history that someone pays more for their hair, than they did for their house...lol...whats the bill going to be for this?..im guessing between $80-100k?....and for strip, this would run around...hmmm...27k or so....



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

Aren't you glad you know me, and have such easy access to my dementia???

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Well, apart from the financial aspect this is truly good news for many HL patients out there. Just a few years ago 2000 grafts where consired mega sessions.

It must however be said that not every patients will be able to pull this off in terms of available donor supply.

Anyway hope all goes well and see some incredible results down the line!


1800 grafts strip followed by 2100 FUE by Dr. Jones for who I am doing consultation work in Europe.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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Personally, I am a big proponent of FUE as everyone may or may not know. I also try to be fair minded as best i can. i think this is a mistake and very high risk procedure to do in my opinion.


Of course i hope this procedure is successful, and Lee has a great result. He's a great participant on the forums, and I am only questioning this higher risk, very aggressive procedure.


In my opinion, i think thats very Risky to do all at once. 8000 pokes to the body in one way or another.. Actually its 16,000 pokes and incisions to the head and body total since there is 8000 placements, so it is 13,000 to the head, and 3000 to the body.


If you add in transection it will be close to or even more then 17,000 incisisions to the head and body over a few days?, or even weeks time? is an extreme measure i believe. Is that safe?


In my opinion he's basically a guinea pig, since they've never performed this type of large procedure before as far as im aware. If you never performed a large world record, and you've only been doing a technique for a few months, by defenition you are a "big experiment", that You pay for with money. Can DHI please give us some medical science and data to back up 16,000-17,000 incisisons to the head & body in a relatively short period of time as even Safe to do ?


i believe thats alot of trauma to the head and body to sustain.


Also DHI does not have one FUE before and after photo that i've seen. If they do they are few and far between at best. I havent seen any. They've only been at FUE for a few months since last summer.


Has anyone seen a before and after from DHI for FUE? they've only been at it for what 6 months? & learned from Dr Jones?


The final result that is & the patient himself will have used up his entire head and probably entire body hair donor supply/no chance for repair or anything if the surgery goes wrong or whatever/yield is low, who knows...? if its perfect then great.


I would consider DHI for fue, but never such huge risks & gambles from a clinic that is basically inexperienced with FUE at this point.


i hope everyone realizes these forums and surgeries arent games and the goal is not to one up your other participants on serious medical surgeries. the goal is not to set world records, or see how many you can do per day in mega sessions strips or fue.


You dont get anything better out of that by setting records, the clinic does for marketting and publicity purposes. The Bigger the record is the more money you pay, and the more money the clinic makes from publicity. You dont necessarily get a better result at all.


Your only goal should be you get quality care and quality results, with minimal problems, be it take 1 day or 10 years to do.


there is so much B.S in the forums at times, that it can cloud some judgement i guess. I wish him the best, but he's taking some incredible chances i think.


If you read my previous posts, you'll see i said the free surgeries from DHI was a great idea, and i applauded them for that, but this type of aggressive surgery i believe is a very bad idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Bverotti: "Well, apart from the financial aspect this is truly good news for many HL patients out there"


"Well, apart from the gunfire Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play"...


lol..no offense Bverotti, but it was just too good to pass up...



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

Aren't you glad you know me, and have such easy access to my dementia???

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I want to start off by saying that I wish Lee the best and hope he will get the best results. I feel that the word "World Record" is a very dangerous word. I feel that the importance of number of grafts is less important than final results. I feel if other doctors try to break the record they may overlook the important of the final results just for the marketing of it.

Has anyone seen a final result of a FUE session with DHI with 2000 grafts or more? If so please point it out to me.

Lee remarks from a different website

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Dr. Zontos commented that I was a tough case to break the record on as a norwood 7 since he had to be very careful about selecting the grafts for extraction so as not to deplete my limited donor area


Break the record? Hair transplant are not about breaking records, this in my opinion is a marketing thing.

I will admit that DHI fue extraction picture that they have posted have looked very impressive but the three DHI people that I met in person the final results were far below average. One patient from Italy that I have been talking to for 3 months told me that Alessia (DHI Italian customer service) even went as far as offering him 1500 free when he told her that he was going to Vancouver to get repaired and touched up.

My point is to believe patients first and sale reps last, no company will ever talk about the negative. Again I wish Lee the best and I hope that his final results will be amazing so that I can shut my mouth.



Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I'm very impressed by the work they did.

I have a few questions:How long the all procedure take?

Are we taking in consideration the comfort of the patient?(quantity of anesthesia,pain,...).

What about the risk of doing that amount of grafts?I heard in previous meeting that increasing the number of grafts per squarre centimeter could impair sometimes the growth.

Was it really necessary to perform that risky surgery with just 6 months of experience?

I hope we are focusing our skills to treat patient and not running behind records for others purposes.

We have to look for a quality work for our patients.

I wish good luck to both the patient (Lee) and Dr Rontos from DHI group.

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