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My story, please read (everyone, but doctors especially)


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This is my first post, I just found this community a couple of days ago.


I'm 22ys old, and since 15 I've been letting my hair grow below the shoulders. It has become a huge part of my personality, it really reflects who I am on the inside and people always remember me as "the long-haired guy" which I totally like.


My hair started slowly thinning at the age of 17, but after a big emotional breakdown at 19, the thinning (and hair loss) REALLY picked up it's pace. At 20, after blood tests done by and endochrynologist and others by my dermatologist to check my testosterone levels, my dermatologist suggested doing a scalp biopsy to really know what was going on.

The results were more confusing than clarifying, the specimen is reviewed by 3 different people, and the report reads as it follows:




Skin, diagnosis punch biopsy, scalp (clinically, rule out male alopecia)

-Follicular degeneration syndrome with focal areas of tricomalacia and focal scarring suggestive of a component of tirchitillosis.


COMMENT: Expert opinion is obtained from Martin Mihm M.D. at Massachussets General Hospital, Department of Dermopathology. The consultant discusses the histopathologic findings, clinicopathologic correlation, and prognosis in detail. He states that the type of lesion seen is not associated with androgenic alopecia nor is it a type of alopecia areata. Specific clinical correlation for a history of local trauma is suggested.


ADDENDUM: Additional expert opinions are obtained at the request of dermatologist **I'll keep my doctor's name reserved**. In brief summary, Andrew J Hanly MD of Global Pathology Laboratory Services reports a diagnosis of, "Non-scarring alopecia with prominent sebaceous glands consistent with androgenic alopecia (male pattern alopecia)".

Geoffrey J Gottlieb MD of the Ackerman Academy of Dermopathology discusses the findings in detail and concludes, "...the findings are minimal. The atrophy of the subcutaneous fat and hints of slight absortening of follicular units could, though not diagnostic, be avery subtle early manifestation of androgenic alopecia. In addition, however, there is also perifollicular fibrosis in company with a compact laminated orthokeratosis, indicating that the hair loss in this area may merely be due to mchanical trauma which includes a component of rubbing."



It's amazing how they contradict each other one's saying that it is male pattern alopecia, other says it's not. It's also funny that the name tricomalacia and trichotillosis 'cause the last thing I'd do is pulling my hair out!!!!

After this, my dermatologist diagnosed me with male pattern alopecia and told me to start using Minoxidil 5mg twice a day. I've been using it for more than a year and a half now, the first 6 to 8 months it seemed like it was working, but now I look back to pictures from a couple of months ago and I can see how keep on losing hair. I tried Propecia that my doctor gave me a free 4-month supply, but I stopped taking it after I ran out of it 'cause I can't afford it.


This really has started to affect my life inmensely. I used to be a very enthusiastic person, a good looking guy. Now I don't even want to get out of my house, women ignore me completely and most of all, I don't feel like myself anymore. Because of my occupation (musician) I have to be onstage pretty often, I love music and I used to love playing live, but I'm in a big spotlight, people are looking right at me and pictures are being taken all the time, and I just don't feel like myself anymore, and it's really affecting my life.

I don't have a history of hair loss in my family, all the men in my family have more hair that I do, most of them twice my age, there is not even one bald man in my family. On top of that, I reunited with my High School friends after 4 years and I'm the only one who's losing his hair!! I came to live to the US at the age of 17, I'd like to travel to see my friends from back there, but I don't want them to see me like this.


I've contacted some hair restoration surgeons but they all have said that I'm still too young and that it's too early to do something about it, that I should wait a couple of more years... I don't want to wait to be bald to do something about it!!!! that's the whole point!!!


I've always been a strong person, my self-esteem was never in doubt, but I have cried myself to sleep a couple of times thinking I'll never be that same person anymore, and the worst of all... every time I go out for help, nobody seems to understand what I feel like...








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This is my first post, I just found this community a couple of days ago.


I'm 22ys old, and since 15 I've been letting my hair grow below the shoulders. It has become a huge part of my personality, it really reflects who I am on the inside and people always remember me as "the long-haired guy" which I totally like.


My hair started slowly thinning at the age of 17, but after a big emotional breakdown at 19, the thinning (and hair loss) REALLY picked up it's pace. At 20, after blood tests done by and endochrynologist and others by my dermatologist to check my testosterone levels, my dermatologist suggested doing a scalp biopsy to really know what was going on.

The results were more confusing than clarifying, the specimen is reviewed by 3 different people, and the report reads as it follows:




Skin, diagnosis punch biopsy, scalp (clinically, rule out male alopecia)

-Follicular degeneration syndrome with focal areas of tricomalacia and focal scarring suggestive of a component of tirchitillosis.


COMMENT: Expert opinion is obtained from Martin Mihm M.D. at Massachussets General Hospital, Department of Dermopathology. The consultant discusses the histopathologic findings, clinicopathologic correlation, and prognosis in detail. He states that the type of lesion seen is not associated with androgenic alopecia nor is it a type of alopecia areata. Specific clinical correlation for a history of local trauma is suggested.


ADDENDUM: Additional expert opinions are obtained at the request of dermatologist **I'll keep my doctor's name reserved**. In brief summary, Andrew J Hanly MD of Global Pathology Laboratory Services reports a diagnosis of, "Non-scarring alopecia with prominent sebaceous glands consistent with androgenic alopecia (male pattern alopecia)".

Geoffrey J Gottlieb MD of the Ackerman Academy of Dermopathology discusses the findings in detail and concludes, "...the findings are minimal. The atrophy of the subcutaneous fat and hints of slight absortening of follicular units could, though not diagnostic, be avery subtle early manifestation of androgenic alopecia. In addition, however, there is also perifollicular fibrosis in company with a compact laminated orthokeratosis, indicating that the hair loss in this area may merely be due to mchanical trauma which includes a component of rubbing."



It's amazing how they contradict each other one's saying that it is male pattern alopecia, other says it's not. It's also funny that the name tricomalacia and trichotillosis 'cause the last thing I'd do is pulling my hair out!!!!

After this, my dermatologist diagnosed me with male pattern alopecia and told me to start using Minoxidil 5mg twice a day. I've been using it for more than a year and a half now, the first 6 to 8 months it seemed like it was working, but now I look back to pictures from a couple of months ago and I can see how keep on losing hair. I tried Propecia that my doctor gave me a free 4-month supply, but I stopped taking it after I ran out of it 'cause I can't afford it.


This really has started to affect my life inmensely. I used to be a very enthusiastic person, a good looking guy. Now I don't even want to get out of my house, women ignore me completely and most of all, I don't feel like myself anymore. Because of my occupation (musician) I have to be onstage pretty often, I love music and I used to love playing live, but I'm in a big spotlight, people are looking right at me and pictures are being taken all the time, and I just don't feel like myself anymore, and it's really affecting my life.

I don't have a history of hair loss in my family, all the men in my family have more hair that I do, most of them twice my age, there is not even one bald man in my family. On top of that, I reunited with my High School friends after 4 years and I'm the only one who's losing his hair!! I came to live to the US at the age of 17, I'd like to travel to see my friends from back there, but I don't want them to see me like this.


I've contacted some hair restoration surgeons but they all have said that I'm still too young and that it's too early to do something about it, that I should wait a couple of more years... I don't want to wait to be bald to do something about it!!!! that's the whole point!!!


I've always been a strong person, my self-esteem was never in doubt, but I have cried myself to sleep a couple of times thinking I'll never be that same person anymore, and the worst of all... every time I go out for help, nobody seems to understand what I feel like...








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Hey Spotlighkid, I had my first HT when I just turned 23. That was back in 2002. Your NOT to young to have a procedure. I'm glad I did'nt wait to have a procedure until now. I got on top of my hairloss when it was getting to the point of being pretty noticeable. I figured that waiting until I was older to get a transplant was like telling a person thats 50 lbs. overweight to wait until they are 100 lbs. overweight befor they start dieting. It does'nt make much sense.


I figure, start working on the problem when it's small. Why wait till your really balding? Your old enough to make the decision for yourself.


Also, I've been told that the propecia won't help with hairloss to the front of your head anyhow, so your not missing anything there. But it helps with hairloss further back on your head--the crown and midscalp, which is where the hairloss will progress. So if at all possible, you should try to stay on the stuff. There's no guarantee it will work for you, but if it does, you'll be glad you did. I've just started taking it myself to treat the midscalp and crown. I wish I'd started earlier, but better late than never.


My strategy is HTs for the front, and propecia for the back. I've had several procedures as well. But they have all been worth it. I actually just had my last procedure 3 weeks ago, so I have to wait for the benefits of that. But it has all been worth it so far. At least I've never had to endure a "bald" look. HTs won't give you as thick of hair as you had befor, but in my opinion, you can still get very satisfying results.


Just make sure you get a very reputable doctor. And this site is the absolute best place to find them.

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hey it seems we share very similar stories, growing up i was always one of the best looking kids, full of energy full of life, when i was a senior my hairline started to recede on the sides and that just about destroyed my life. In fact i know it has. Like you ive cried myself to sleep, and frankly dont believe in the same god I used to because of it.


Im 21 and just recently had 500 put into my temple regions, no growth yet but its only been about 2 months so i still have about another month until i start seeing growth. I thought this would make me happy and take away the pain but now it seems im plagued with a different set of feelings and thoughts. Its hard to except the fact that I will be chained to taking a pill the rest of my life(propecia) because if i dont im going to go bald and eventually my hair will recede past where my 500 were placed and I will look rediculous. It sucks knowing the fact that if i ever wanted to just leave somewhere, i couldnt do so unless i have my supply of propecia. Also its hard for me to think i will one day have to share this with my wife, she will have to know i had a hair procedure at a young age and that some good years of my life were destroyed by this problem.


All in all though i guess we got to hope for the best, i can only hope the hair grows in nicely because then I guess i can start over having a normal social life and not have to worry about always concealing my hair line. I just wanted to say though i know it feels like no one else knows what we're going through and can relate, and im sure not many can, but when i read your post it sounded an awful lot like what i have been through these past four years. I hope all is well one day for you again, and that you will be truly happy and can enjoy the rest of your life.


peace and love

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Originally posted by SpotlightKid:

Because of my occupation (musician) I have to be onstage pretty often, I love music and I used to love playing live, but I'm in a big spotlight, people are looking right at me and pictures are being taken all the time, and I just don't feel like myself anymore, and it's really affecting my life.




Francis Rossi of Status Quo never let his thinning hair (now bald) bother him and it didn't prevent Status Quo from being popular for over 35 years... He had hair like yours in the 70's and was as popular as ever and probably had any woman he wanted.


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Spotlightkid, Harve, Mr. Invisible,


I read your post and I had to share some words with you of hope.


I also had great hair which made me look like a David Cassidy type in the late 70s. This led to much fun and women. I was also a musician who played out. About my Sr. year of HS and first year of college, hairloss started taking over my life.


I won't bore you however, I can only say that, although very difficult at times, it was a blessing in disguise. I took my schooling more seriously which led to a doctorate, during these years I met a beautiful educated girl who turned out to be a great wife. I also decided if I can't have great hair I would have a great body. I worked out religously and ate well (which led to more friends). In the end, I landed a decent paying job. So now, in my early 40s, I can afford an HT and my hair is close to where most my peers are (w/o advanced hairloss).


The moral of my story is, DON'T LET THIS BEAT YOU!...Turn it into positives and it is almost certain it will turn out WELL for you. Also, I'm not a religous zealot, however but hairloss helped me find my faith again which has helped me in other life situations.


Don't give up my friends, life is too short.


Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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