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To Doctor's, Pat, etc


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What is the longest an FU or graft can take to start visibly growing.


I have heard up to 14 months when you have had several procedures done like me.






p.s. love the sight, It gets pretty racey and intense at times, but be that as it may, I have learned from it.

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What is the longest an FU or graft can take to start visibly growing.


I have heard up to 14 months when you have had several procedures done like me.






p.s. love the sight, It gets pretty racey and intense at times, but be that as it may, I have learned from it.

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  • Senior Member

The longest duration till start of growth in my practice has been 12 months. Normally they have started by 4 months and a few continue to come in up to 7 months. People that are elderly, have gray hair, and have fine weak hair have been the ones to grow later, at least in my experience.

I would venture a guess that you grafts are probably growing but are being hidden by the more vigorous hair from the previous sessions. I see this frequently - it is hard to find these fine early hairs in a forest.

Dr. Parsley is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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