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Shaprio Medical


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Folks, just returned from Shapiro Medical and had to reiterate what a pro (Ron) and his staff are.


I previously posted about two years ago after having a successful tp by Ron (don't remember my old username I had used for that post), but in brief, I had repair work done back then by Ron that was done after having three tp's by another doc.


First some advice. I have to say if you're young, def wait it out until your at least 30 and most definitely -- do not get a tp unless you first shave your head. I think doctors should make their potential patients shave their heads first! Looking back, I prob never would have done a tp because I didn't look that bad with a shaved head, but in any case, I was sold on the quick fix at age 22 and now have two ear to ear scars.


After finding this board, I figured either H&W or Shaprio were the way to go, I visited Shaprio and had a TP to fill in the pluggy areas. As my hairline recedes more, additional pluggy graphs become visible ??“ as the previous doctor placed graphs in areas on my scalp where they were not yet needed. This current visit to Shaprio was to punch out a few of those larger graphs. I will also be returning to get one of my scars redone via a t-closure with a small tp to fill in the hairline.


The hairline is key and is why I chose Shaprio. Some of the graphs the previous doc put in were"???even though some were single hairs, they were course, not as fine as you would normally see. The Shaprio staff used some laser treatment on my hairline to soften these areas"???this was about three months ago that I had the laser treatment, some hairs still yet to grow back, but the ones that have are more soft and finer"???I like the results.


One problem I'm still interested in addresses is some minor pitting I have. When in the bright light, some pitting is visible. I am considering micro-dermabrasion; however, I am curious if anyone has had good results with this. I would love to cut my hair short, but in doing so, that pitting is visible, I wonder if micro-dermabrsion would do the trick.


In any case, thanks to the creator of this board"???great site!

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Folks, just returned from Shapiro Medical and had to reiterate what a pro (Ron) and his staff are.


I previously posted about two years ago after having a successful tp by Ron (don't remember my old username I had used for that post), but in brief, I had repair work done back then by Ron that was done after having three tp's by another doc.


First some advice. I have to say if you're young, def wait it out until your at least 30 and most definitely -- do not get a tp unless you first shave your head. I think doctors should make their potential patients shave their heads first! Looking back, I prob never would have done a tp because I didn't look that bad with a shaved head, but in any case, I was sold on the quick fix at age 22 and now have two ear to ear scars.


After finding this board, I figured either H&W or Shaprio were the way to go, I visited Shaprio and had a TP to fill in the pluggy areas. As my hairline recedes more, additional pluggy graphs become visible ??“ as the previous doctor placed graphs in areas on my scalp where they were not yet needed. This current visit to Shaprio was to punch out a few of those larger graphs. I will also be returning to get one of my scars redone via a t-closure with a small tp to fill in the hairline.


The hairline is key and is why I chose Shaprio. Some of the graphs the previous doc put in were"???even though some were single hairs, they were course, not as fine as you would normally see. The Shaprio staff used some laser treatment on my hairline to soften these areas"???this was about three months ago that I had the laser treatment, some hairs still yet to grow back, but the ones that have are more soft and finer"???I like the results.


One problem I'm still interested in addresses is some minor pitting I have. When in the bright light, some pitting is visible. I am considering micro-dermabrasion; however, I am curious if anyone has had good results with this. I would love to cut my hair short, but in doing so, that pitting is visible, I wonder if micro-dermabrsion would do the trick.


In any case, thanks to the creator of this board"???great site!

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  • Senior Member

Congrats and Welcome to the site!

I went to Dr. Shapiro and I am glad every day that I did.

I am happy that you feel so good about your experience while at the clinic. I know I had a great time, and the techs and I laughed our asses off the entire time.

Post some pics so we can see what you look like!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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