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Minodoxil... Rogaine 2% too severe for me...


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I tried Rogaine some years ago, but my scalp became tender and encrusted so I stopped using it. I noticed a post on the site re Nourkrin, so I also asked about this (see my message) thinking it might be less severe than Rogaine. No-one's replied, so I imagine a negative there.


Yet, I do remember someone on the site someone mentioning you could get another brand of minodoxil with less alcohol. Can someone please help me on this because I am going to try it again as, after researching this site for nearly two years off and on, there is no way I would have an HT here in the UK. I can't pluck up the courage to go long-haul from the UK to the US for an HT as I don't sleep and can never get comfortable all cramped up and I just end up getting up and down and standing a lot during the flight. A nightmare for me! Wish I could afford an update!!


Anyway, please help me with this as I'm getting really down about my hairloss now and I've got to do something about it.


Any advice would be welcome from you guys as I'm sure some of you have experienced this. JUST A NOTE THOUGH, I'm a female in your world here.

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  • Regular Member

honey u dont want to be taking minoxidil ur whole life...it could lead to some side effects....my advice goto www.toplace.com and check them out...they sell hair systems that look natural and are undetectable...u are never going to get all your thick hair back with minoxidil orr with an ht...so stop whining about it and look for other options in the hair system industry.

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Well, slowlythinning, I don't know what to say.

Thank you for replying and your advice about a hairpiece, but I'm somewhat concerned about your comment about 'whining.' Is this your advice to all the other members of this site - mainly men? Somehow, I don't really think so.


I really didn't think I would ever see that type of comment from a member of this site. It is something reminiscent of the consultant dermatologist I saw over my hair loss who had the opinion, 'you're unfortunate in having inherited the gene - you're going to have to learn to live with it - you could try Minodoxil but it doesn't really work and only produces thin downy hair - you could try a wig - HT's are too expensive and a waste of money as you can always tell when someone has had one.'


Don't you and they realise the affect hairloss can have on a woman as it is something we are judged by. I am now 62 years old and have been thinning for twenty years or so now. I have to say that I want to look as best I can in my remaining years, as treatment and an HT was something I could not have considered when I was working and holding down a very responsible job in the care industry looking after everyone else's health and safety and bringing up children on my own for all of those years. It was a luxury I just couldn't afford.


Now I'm willing to try and do something, but I'm very scared about the shock loss and the time it takes to renew this. Also, I'm very concerned about a possible long-haul flight to the US after surgery. Not that different to others I would think.


Really, I never thought I would have to defend my position on this site. I am very disappointed.

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  • Regular Member

Hold up just a minute here...you think that you have it bad...iam 19 and iam going bald...ur 62 and ur going bald...iam at the prime of my life and iam not complaining...ive accepted the fact that yes iam going to go bald but ive done my research and have found ways to combat it...do not sit here and expect anyone to feel sorry for you because quite frankly, there are millions of ppl with hair loss and if conventional methods fail..its up to you to try something else. Wigs these days look very natural and are for the most part undetectable..so if u cant treat ur hair loss, HIDE IT AND GET ON WITH UR LIFE...nobody cares...its just hair..dead protein.

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Thank you for your reply 'slowlythinning.'


Yes, it must be bad for someone of your age to start losing their hair and I'm sure very distressing for you, and, I hope that until new forms of transplanting are available in the near future when you will still be a young man, you will try to get on with your life and set a out a path for yourself for the future. What a wonderful thing life can be for you young people to-day, with the ever-increasing new technology, improved standards in health care and education, and, yes, I could go on and on. Embrace life, go out there and seek out a fulfilling life for yourself. This is something I have always done for myself and have encouraged my children to do too.


You say that you are in the 'prime of your life.' Well, at your age, that is certainly what you must feel and I sympathise with you. However, we 'oldies' on this site feel that we too want this part of our lives to be 'the best.' It's like telling everyone on this site not to bother with HT's and the like if they are older, especially at this time when a shaven head is seen as totally acceptable for a man in terms of fashion. YET, for a woman I can assure you it's very different, as I'm sure other females would tell you on this site, regardless of age.


No, for what it's worth, YOU should get on with YOUR life, not wear a hair 'wig' and enjoy life as best you can as you're only young once. Develop your personality so people enjoy your company and talk about your hair loss to them as something that you're not going to let hinder your life - get out there!


Not trying to preach, slowlythinning, just trying to 'support,' which is the aim of this site - regardless of age and gender. We just try to take peoples feelings and fears into account.


I wish you well in your endeavour to feel and look the best you can.

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