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2nd Hairtransplant! When!?!?!


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Hello everyone,

I recently had a hair transplant and I'm going to need a couple more because I'm a NW6 or 7. What I am wondering is how long should I wait before I go ahead with the second one that I definitely need and is just a matter of time before doing so. So what I'm asking is how long should someone wait between procedures?



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  • Regular Member

Hello everyone,

I recently had a hair transplant and I'm going to need a couple more because I'm a NW6 or 7. What I am wondering is how long should I wait before I go ahead with the second one that I definitely need and is just a matter of time before doing so. So what I'm asking is how long should someone wait between procedures?



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Thanks for the advice Mr.T.

By the way, I've seen your results and they look awesome! You must be really pleased!

Hopefully in a couple years I'll be in the same situation.


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Just one more thing I'd like to hear some opinions about. I've had the front 1/3 of my head transplanted with 2200 grafts (the most we could get, obviously I don't have a very thick or dense donor area). So ASAP I'd like to have the middle of my head done and then finally the crown area which would give me a decent look. I'm not trying to get a head of hair like Elvis Presley. My surgeon told me we would only have to wait about one month to start the second procedure! That to me sounds too good to be true.

Any comments?!?!?

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1 month sounds right since you will not be covering the same area, hence avoiding transection. careful though.....if your laxity is bad, a second strip so soon could result in a) a strectched scar or b) excessive tension at the back of your head or c) both

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C2E....you didnt say what kind of HT you had..if you had strip harvesting, it sounds like one month would be insane..I've never heard of ANY surgeon doing a second strip any sooner than 6 months after the previous ones..Most would tell you to wait nine months at least I believe...


If you had FUE for your extraction, then I'm not sure what the time frame would be between surgeries...



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

Aren't you glad you know me, and have such easy access to my dementia???

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Hairs typically grow out at an angle. When the surgeon is making the incision for the placement of the new graft there is a risk of slicing any near by follicles. I believe this is what they are referring to as "transection". As JCWhair pointed out since you will be focusing on different recipient areas transection shouldn't be a problem.


I'm with you in that I had most of my grafts in the front and some in the middle. I will be going in to fill the crown sometime towards the end of this year.


Best of luck!




Cam's Transplant


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Thanks for the responses and info everyone! Rugger, sorry I didn't clarify. I had the strip procedure done.

I'd like to have two more procedures done ASAP to get them out of the way and get the hair I need growing behind my hairline and on my crown.

Cam, it sounds like you are in the same situation as me good luck! Your hair looks great! But I just had my first procedure done.

JCWHair thanks for clearing up that transection question I had.

So I guess a month or a couple months between procedures isn't too far fetched and is very possible keeping in mind the laxity and scaring JCWHair pointed out.

Thanks again for the info guys!

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good luck C2E....something in your story doesn't sound right though...why would your surgeon recommend doing a second procedure in a month?...why wouldn't he have just taken a larger donor area strip in the first place?...if you have enough laxity to do a second one in a month, it doesn't make sense that you wouldn't have had a larger session to begin with?...and by going in so soon before your new hair has a chance to grow out, i would think theres some risk of transection of the newly grafted hair, as it's probably not surfaced yet, as has been discussed earlier...


I'm like you, I would want it all done ASAP too, but just be careful...I would recommend waiting until your new hair from the first procedure comes in..unless i'm missing some info here..



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

Aren't you glad you know me, and have such easy access to my dementia???

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My surgeon took a big strip (from ear to ear). He offered to take two strips but I was skeptikal about that so declined.

I do need to save the money anyway so my next procedure will probably be in a couple of months.

What exactly is scalp laxity?

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all scalp laxity means, is how flexible your scalp is...if youve got good laxity, that means youve got quite a bit of looseness or flexibility in your scalp...meaning they can take a wider strip of donor hair, and still suture you up snug, but not overly tight...those with poor laxity, perhaps after one or more strip procedures, would have to have a thinner strip cut, if you could do one at all...skin does stretch, mine has sure relaxed even though I'm only two months post op..but nowhere near what is was prior to surgery in December..im sure it will continue to relax and stretch out a bit...



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

Aren't you glad you know me, and have such easy access to my dementia???

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Thanks for clearing that up Rugger. I'll be meeting with my doc in a few days so thanks to yourself and the others who replied I'll have some good questions to ask him. And hopefully will get some positive responses!

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