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2 months on 5% minox, slight regrowth MAJOR irritation HELP!!


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DSCN2343.jpg long story short my biggest problem area was the widows peak, ive been one propecia for almost a year, and large patches of blondish/almost orangish hairs popped up at the widows peak and at the corners of my hairline. I'm not sure if this was new regrowth or miniaturizing hairs. either way i started rogaine two months ago because my crown started to look really bad. at the time i felt the front was looking ok, but i decided that since my propecia was kinda working, the rogaine would just give it that extra boost. in any case since using 5% minox on my hairline, it has receded an inch on both sides. now there are thick patches of white peach fuzz coming in where the recession occured and a few brown hairs here and there. Problem is, as you can see from the picture, i got flakes, redness, and itchy irritation up the wazoo. i try putting in some cocoa butter with vitamin E sometimes. It seems to help, but it kinda burns when I apply it. I'm at a crossroads here, because it seems like this rogaine might really do its thing, but the flakes are so bad they might take the new hairs with em when they fall off. i know the foam is supposed to be better cuz it doesnt have propylene glycol, but i HATE HATE what that stuff does to your hair. the way it gunks and goops up, it worse than the liquid to me. Any suggestions, advice, or similar experiences would be much appreciated. PS I have been using revita for about 3 weeks as well and I'm not too interested in Nizoral unless it will somehow fortify my scalp against breakage and flakage

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The irritation problem (with the flaking, itching, etc.) is a major problem for me as well.


I've been on both proscar and minox for about 8 months now. Started off with 2% liquid and then a month later, the doc told me to try the 5% (liquid). It gave me massive flaking problems, to the point that 2 months later the doc told me to go back down to the 2%.


The flaking problem still persists and it's a huge hassle.


They don't sell the foam in this part of the world (I live in the UAE), and it's not easy to find PPG free stuff around here. I've been thinking of ordering the PPG free liquid from Dr. Lee's website.


Perhaps that might resolve your (and hopefully mine) flaking problem?

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  • 2 weeks later...

same old story,


In my opinion, stop using the minoxidil...at least until your forehead and scalp heal.


As you correctly stated, the foam may be a good alternative. But frankly, no non-surgical treatment is proven to regrow hair in completely bald areas. Thus, if you're trying to restore your hairline with it, I wouldn't expect much. In many cases, new regrowth in completely bald areas don't evolve much beyond the peach fuzz you are seeing.


Rogaine however, may help prevent future hair loss if you apply it in areas of existing hair. You may also want to consider Propecia which is also pretty effective accomplishing this.


All the Best,



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Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:



In my opinion, stop using the minoxidil...at least until your forehead and scalp heal.


As you correctly stated, the foam may be a good alternative. But frankly, no non-surgical treatment is proven to regrow hair in completely bald areas. Thus, if you're trying to restore your hairline with it, I wouldn't expect much. In many cases, new regrowth in completely bald areas don't evolve much beyond the peach fuzz you are seeing.


Rogaine however, may help prevent future hair loss if you apply it in areas of existing hair. You may also want to consider Propecia which is also pretty effective accomplishing this.


All the Best,






I think I read somewhere that you use Rogaine 2%. Any idea where one can buy 2% rogaine foam online (since it's not available in the UAE)?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Try ebay, thats where i got mine and choose a power seller to be safe.


Since your're from a hot place, UAE, you'll find the foam melts in your hand straight away and turns into liquid.

My method to get around this is, put the can in the fridge for 1/2 minutes before application and then spray foam directly onto scalp and massage.

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Originally posted by baqu:

Try ebay, thats where i got mine and choose a power seller to be safe.


Since your're from a hot place, UAE, you'll find the foam melts in your hand straight away and turns into liquid.

My method to get around this is, put the can in the fridge for 1/2 minutes before application and then spray foam directly onto scalp and massage.


Thanks Baqu.


I did a quick search on ebay (on rogaine foam), but the only results (from the search) I get are for 5% rogaine foam.


I am actually looking for the 2% formulation (since I am not sure whether I am allergic to minoxidil or ppg).


Waiting for your inputs Baqu icon_smile.gif

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