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Dr. Bernstein Staple removal today...


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Today was 10 days after my 2350 graft transplant. The staples are removed in 2 phases; 1/2 today and 1/2 in 10 more days. I had much anxiety about the pain, however, just some pinches, but, not bad at all! In summary, no grafts fell out, and no drama of the transplant, I even went out without a hat/head cover for dinner one night (Dr. B didn't shave the recipient area because I needed to be somewhat presentable this week and going forward) without any weird stares! I cannot tell everyone around the world how much better I feel having removed those unsightly 1991 plugs and finally having a transplant that worked. Of course, if anyone needs/wants play by play or more info, please PM me and I will answer as many questions as I can. I know a picture says 1000 words, but, I am on the trailing edge of technology, and I can talk about my 2 year repair/transplant, and will figure out a way to get a before and after once I'm done and have something to compare it to. In all respects, I understand that this is such a complicated decision, and I feel great about my journey and choices, particularly Dr. Bernstein. Finally, hair done right.

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I'm not so sure that staples are better than sutures, or vice versa. Physicians have varying views on this. Personally, I've had both. Honestly, the best scar I had was after my first procedure (with sutures), but that's typical for virgin scalps, especially since it was such a small procedure.


In my experience, staples hurt more during the removal process, but sutures itch more during the first 10 days.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Oh are you right..there is a "pinch" for each one, and sleeping with them has been an experience. No worries though, I relate it to having a baby, all the pain for much gain! I am so impatient, I will try and be good or the next 8-12 months, but, I'm one of those types that likes instant gratification, so, its an extra struggle. So far so good though. I must say, over my 2 year journey with this site, this has been a wonderful resource, I thank everyone out there for the guidance and encouragement, wish this existed in 1991 (or that I had the foresight to buy microsoft stock then!! Thanks to all...cc

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