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How noticeable is the Shedding using finasteride?


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I have decided to take Proscar, and I have read that most users have had "shedding". I know this is normal and even an indication that the drug is working. My question is, how noticeable is the shedding, i.e. is it cosmetically noticeable or is it just an increase of hair in the drain?


Is the shedding usually disperse or is it localized?


Any info would be appreciated.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by killbot9:



The first time I used Proscar(finisteride) I had no visible shedding. It worked great for about 3 years but it eventually lost its effectiveness and I was back to where I started.


Next I tried Avodart, and the shedding was quite severe. Every square inch of my head was shedding roughly at the same rate. It became noticeable in the top and crown. I quit out of fear the shedding would not stop.


I started Proscar again about 4 months before my HT just in case it might help. Where I didn't shed the first time I started Proscar, i was shedding this time. Mostly in the frontal core. If I had to put a number on it, maybe my density went from 40FU/CM2 down to 30. It was more noticeable to me than anyone else.

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The truth is Shedding sucks you will notice your hair looks more thin than it ever did.



The question is. Will you get that hair back? Or will you stop taking the pill because it's too awful to watch what is happening to your hair. I have not got my hair sheds back. I do not know if I ever will also. Who could know? Propecia is not 100 % safe. But they are sure making a bunch of $$$ off it.

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